/** \file * \brief C++ Wrapper for File Access * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h */ #ifndef __IM_PLUS_H #define __IM_PLUS_H /** \brief C++ Wrapper for the Image File Structure * * \par * Usage is just like the C API. Open and New are replaced by equivalent constructors. \n * Close is replaced by the destructor. Error checking is done by the Error() member. \n * Open and New errors are cheked using the Failed() member. * \ingroup file */ class imImageFile { imFile* ifile; int error; imImageFile() {}; public: imImageFile(const char* file_name) { this->ifile = imFileOpen(file_name, &this->error); } imImageFile(const char* file_name, const char* format) { this->ifile = imFileNew(file_name, format, &this->error); } ~imImageFile() { if (this->ifile) imFileClose(this->ifile); } int Failed() { return this->ifile == 0; } int Error() { return this->error; } void SetAttribute(const char* attrib, int data_type, int count, const void* data) { imFileSetAttribute(this->ifile, attrib, data_type, count, data); } const void* GetAttribute(const char* attrib, int *data_type, int *count) { return imFileGetAttribute(this->ifile, attrib, data_type, count); } void GetInfo(char* format, char* compression, int *image_count) { imFileGetInfo(this->ifile, format, compression, image_count); } void ReadImageInfo(int index, int *width, int *height, int *color_mode, int *data_type) { this->error = imFileReadImageInfo(this->ifile, index, width, height, color_mode, data_type); } void GetPalette(long* palette, int *palette_count) { imFileGetPalette(this->ifile, palette, palette_count); } void ReadImageData(void* data, int convert2bitmap, int color_mode_flags) { this->error = imFileReadImageData(this->ifile, data, convert2bitmap, color_mode_flags); } void SetInfo(const char* compression) { imFileSetInfo(this->ifile, compression); } void SetPalette(long* palette, int palette_count) { imFileSetPalette(this->ifile, palette, palette_count); } void WriteImageInfo(int width, int height, int color_mode, int data_type) { this->error = imFileWriteImageInfo(this->ifile, width, height, color_mode, data_type); } void WriteImageData(void* data) { this->error = imFileWriteImageData(this->ifile, data); } }; #endif