/** \file * \brief SGI - Silicon Graphics Image File Format * * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h * $Id: im_format_sgi.cpp,v 1.2 2008/12/03 15:45:34 scuri Exp $ */ #include "im_format.h" #include "im_util.h" #include "im_format_all.h" #include "im_counter.h" #include "im_binfile.h" #include #include #include /* File Header Structure. */ /* 2 Magic; 474 */ /* 1 Storage; 0 ou 1 Compression */ /* 1 BPC; 1 ou 2 Bytes Per Pixel Component */ /* 2 Dimension; 1 ou 2 ou 3 */ /* 2 XSize; Width */ /* 2 YSize; Height */ /* 2 ZSize; Number of Channels. B/W=1, RGB=3, RGBA=4 */ /* 4 PixMin; Minimum Pixel Value */ /* 4 PixMax; Maximum Pixel Value */ /* 4 Dummy1; */ /* 80 ImageName;*/ /* 4 ColorMap; 0 ou 1 ou 2 ou 3 */ /* 404 Dummy2;*/ /* 512 */ #define SGI_ID 474 /* Compression */ #define SGI_VERBATIM 0 #define SGI_RLE 1 /* ColorMap Ids */ #define SGI_NORMAL 0 #define SGI_DITHERED 1 #define SGI_SCREEN 2 #define SGI_COLORMAP 3 template static int iSGIDecodeScanLine(T *optr, const T *iptr, int width) { T pixel; int c = 0, count; while (c < width) { pixel = *iptr++; count = pixel & 0x7f; if (!count) break; c += count; if (c > width) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; if (pixel & 0x80) { while (count--) *optr++ = *iptr++; } else { pixel = *iptr++; while (count--) *optr++ = pixel; } } if (c < width) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; } template static int iSGIEncodeScanLine(T *optr, const T *iptr, int width) { const T *ibufend = iptr + width, *sptr; T *start_optr = optr; int todo, cc, count; while(iptr < ibufend) { sptr = iptr; iptr += 2; while ((iptr < ibufend) && ((iptr[-2] != iptr[-1]) || (iptr[-1] != iptr[0]))) iptr++; iptr -= 2; count = iptr-sptr; while (count) { todo = (count > 126) ? 126: count; count -= todo; *optr++ = (T)(0x80 | todo); while(todo--) *optr++ = *sptr++; } sptr = iptr; cc = *iptr++; while((iptr < ibufend) && (*iptr == cc)) iptr++; count = iptr-sptr; while(count) { todo = (count > 126)? 126: count; count -= todo; *optr++ = (T)todo; *optr++ = (T)cc; } } *optr++ = 0; return optr-start_optr; } static const char* iSGICompTable[2] = { "NONE", "RLE" }; class imFileFormatSGI: public imFileFormatBase { imBinFile* handle; /* the binary file handle */ unsigned char comp_type, /* sgi compression information */ bpc; /* bytes per channels */ unsigned int *starttab, /* compression control buffer */ *lengthtab; /* compression control buffer */ public: imFileFormatSGI(const imFormat* _iformat): imFileFormatBase(_iformat) {} ~imFileFormatSGI() {} int Open(const char* file_name); int New(const char* file_name); void Close(); void* Handle(int index); int ReadImageInfo(int index); int ReadImageData(void* data); int WriteImageInfo(); int WriteImageData(void* data); }; class imFormatSGI: public imFormat { public: imFormatSGI() :imFormat("SGI", "Silicon Graphics Image File Format", "*.rgb;*.rgba;*.bw;*.sgi;", iSGICompTable, 2, 0) {} ~imFormatSGI() {} imFileFormatBase* Create(void) const { return new imFileFormatSGI(this); } int CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const; }; void imFormatRegisterSGI(void) { imFormatRegister(new imFormatSGI()); } int imFileFormatSGI::Open(const char* file_name) { unsigned short word_value; /* opens the binary file for reading with motorola byte order */ handle = imBinFileOpen(file_name); if (!handle) return IM_ERR_OPEN; imBinFileByteOrder(handle, IM_BIGENDIAN); /* reads the SGI format identifier */ imBinFileRead(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); if (imBinFileError(handle)) { imBinFileClose(handle); return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } if (word_value != SGI_ID) { imBinFileClose(handle); return IM_ERR_FORMAT; } /* reads the compression information */ imBinFileRead(handle, &this->comp_type, 1, 1); if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) strcpy(this->compression, "RLE"); else if (this->comp_type == SGI_VERBATIM) strcpy(this->compression, "NONE"); else { imBinFileClose(handle); return IM_ERR_COMPRESS; } this->starttab = NULL; this->lengthtab = NULL; this->image_count = 1; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatSGI::New(const char* file_name) { /* opens the binary file for writing with motorola byte order */ handle = imBinFileNew(file_name); if (!handle) return IM_ERR_OPEN; imBinFileByteOrder(handle, IM_BIGENDIAN); this->starttab = NULL; this->lengthtab = NULL; this->image_count = 1; return IM_ERR_NONE; } void imFileFormatSGI::Close() { if (this->starttab) free(this->starttab); if (this->lengthtab) free(this->lengthtab); imBinFileClose(handle); } void* imFileFormatSGI::Handle(int index) { if (index == 0) return (void*)this->handle; else return NULL; } int imFileFormatSGI::ReadImageInfo(int index) { (void)index; unsigned short word_value, dimension, depth; /* reads the number of bits per channel */ imBinFileRead(handle, &this->bpc, 1, 1); /* reads the number of dimensions */ imBinFileRead(handle, &dimension, 1, 2); /* reads the image width */ imBinFileRead(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); this->width = word_value; /* reads the image height */ imBinFileRead(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); this->height = word_value; /* reads the number of channels */ imBinFileRead(handle, &depth, 1, 2); /* jump 12 bytes (min, max, dummy) */ imBinFileSeekOffset(handle, 12); /* reads the image name */ char image_name[80]; imBinFileRead(handle, image_name, 80, 1); if (image_name[0] != 0) AttribTable()->Set("Description", IM_BYTE, imStrNLen(image_name, 80)+1, image_name); /* reads the color map information */ unsigned int color_map_id; imBinFileRead(handle, &color_map_id, 1, 4); if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; this->file_data_type = IM_BYTE; if (this->bpc == 2) this->file_data_type = IM_USHORT; switch (dimension) { case 1: this->height = 1; depth = 1; case 2: depth = 1; break; case 3: break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } switch (color_map_id) { case SGI_NORMAL: switch(depth) { case 1: this->file_color_mode = IM_GRAY; break; case 3: this->file_color_mode = IM_RGB; break; case 4: this->file_color_mode = IM_RGB | IM_ALPHA; break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } break; case SGI_DITHERED: this->file_color_mode = IM_MAP; break; case SGI_COLORMAP: this->file_color_mode = IM_RGB; break; case SGI_SCREEN: this->file_color_mode = IM_GRAY; break; default: return IM_ERR_DATA; } /* jump 404 bytes (dummy) */ imBinFileSeekOffset(handle, 404); if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) { int tablen = this->height * depth; this->starttab = (unsigned int *)malloc(tablen * sizeof(int)); this->lengthtab = (unsigned int *)malloc(tablen * sizeof(int)); /* reads the compression control information */ imBinFileRead(handle, this->starttab, tablen, 4); imBinFileRead(handle, this->lengthtab, tablen, 4); // allocates more than enough since compression algoritm can be ineficient this->line_buffer_extra = 2*imImageLineSize(this->width, this->file_color_mode, this->file_data_type); } if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; if (color_map_id == SGI_DITHERED) { static int red[8] = {0, 36, 73, 109, 146, 182, 218, 255}; static int green[8] = {0, 36, 73, 109, 146, 182, 218, 255}; static int blue[4] = {0, 85, 170, 255}; int c = 0; for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { for (int g = 0; g < 8; g++) { for (int r = 0; r < 8; r++) { this->palette[c] = imColorEncode((imbyte)red[r], (imbyte)green[g], (imbyte)blue[b]); c++; } } } } return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatSGI::WriteImageInfo() { unsigned int dword_value; unsigned short word_value; unsigned char dummy[404]; memset(dummy, 0, 404); this->comp_type = SGI_VERBATIM; if (imStrEqual(this->compression, "RLE")) this->comp_type = SGI_RLE; unsigned int color_map_id = SGI_NORMAL; this->file_color_mode = imColorModeSpace(this->user_color_mode); int dimension = 2; if (this->file_color_mode == IM_BINARY) this->convert_bpp = -1; // expand 1 to 255 else if (this->file_color_mode == IM_RGB) { dimension = 3; if (imColorModeHasAlpha(this->user_color_mode)) this->file_color_mode |= IM_ALPHA; } this->file_data_type = this->user_data_type; this->bpc = 1; int max = 255; if (this->file_data_type == IM_USHORT) { max = 65535; this->bpc = 2; } this->starttab = NULL; this->lengthtab = NULL; /* writes the SGI file header */ word_value = SGI_ID; imBinFileWrite(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); /* identifier */ imBinFileWrite(handle, &this->comp_type, 1, 1); /* storage */ imBinFileWrite(handle, &this->bpc, 1, 1); /* bpc */ word_value = (imushort)dimension; imBinFileWrite(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); /* dimension */ word_value = (unsigned short)this->width; imBinFileWrite(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); /* image width */ word_value = (unsigned short)this->height; imBinFileWrite(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); /* image height */ word_value = (imushort)imColorModeDepth(this->file_color_mode); imBinFileWrite(handle, &word_value, 1, 2); /* depth */ dword_value = 0; imBinFileWrite(handle, &dword_value, 1, 4); /* min */ dword_value = max; imBinFileWrite(handle, &dword_value, 1, 4); /* max */ imBinFileWrite(handle, dummy, 4, 1); /* dummy */ /* tests if everything was ok */ if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; int size; char* image_name = (char*)AttribTable()->Get("Description", NULL, &size); if (image_name) { if (size < 80) { imBinFileWrite(handle, image_name, size, 1); imBinFileWrite(handle, dummy, 80-size, 1); } else { imBinFileWrite(handle, image_name, 79, 1); imBinFileWrite(handle, (void*)"\0", 1, 1); } } else imBinFileWrite(handle, dummy, 80, 1); /* empty image name */ dword_value = color_map_id; imBinFileWrite(handle, &dword_value, 1, 4); /* color_map_id */ imBinFileWrite(handle, dummy, 404, 1); /* dummy */ /* tests if everything was ok */ if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) { int tablen = this->height * imColorModeDepth(this->file_color_mode); this->starttab = (unsigned int *)malloc(tablen*4); this->lengthtab = (unsigned int *)malloc(tablen*4); /* writes the empty compression control information */ /* we will write again at the end */ imBinFileWrite(handle, this->starttab, tablen*4, 1); imBinFileWrite(handle, this->lengthtab, tablen*4, 1); // allocates more than enough since compression algoritm can be ineficient this->line_buffer_extra = 2*imImageLineSize(this->width, this->file_color_mode, this->file_data_type); } /* tests if everything was ok */ if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatSGI::ReadImageData(void* data) { int count = imFileLineBufferCount(this); imCounterTotal(this->counter, count, "Reading SGI..."); imbyte* compressed_buffer = NULL; if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) // point to the extra buffer compressed_buffer = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer + this->line_buffer_size; int row = 0, plane = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this->comp_type == SGI_VERBATIM) { imBinFileRead(handle, this->line_buffer, this->line_buffer_size/this->bpc, this->bpc); if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; } else { int row_index = row + plane*this->height; imBinFileSeekTo(handle, this->starttab[row_index]); imBinFileRead(handle, compressed_buffer, this->lengthtab[row_index] / this->bpc, this->bpc); if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; if (this->bpc == 1) iSGIDecodeScanLine((imbyte*)this->line_buffer, compressed_buffer, this->width); else iSGIDecodeScanLine((imushort*)this->line_buffer, (imushort*)compressed_buffer, this->width); } imFileLineBufferRead(this, data, row, plane); if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; imFileLineBufferInc(this, &row, &plane); } return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFileFormatSGI::WriteImageData(void* data) { int count = imFileLineBufferCount(this); imCounterTotal(this->counter, count, "Writing SGI..."); imbyte* compressed_buffer = NULL; if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) // point to the extra buffer compressed_buffer = (imbyte*)this->line_buffer + this->line_buffer_size; int row = 0, plane = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { imFileLineBufferWrite(this, data, row, plane); if (this->comp_type == SGI_VERBATIM) imBinFileWrite(handle, this->line_buffer, this->line_buffer_size/this->bpc, this->bpc); else { int length; if (this->bpc == 1) length = iSGIEncodeScanLine(compressed_buffer, (imbyte*)this->line_buffer, this->width); else length = iSGIEncodeScanLine((imushort*)compressed_buffer, (imushort*)this->line_buffer, this->width); int row_index = row + plane*this->height; this->starttab[row_index] = imBinFileTell(handle); this->lengthtab[row_index] = length*this->bpc; imBinFileWrite(handle, compressed_buffer, length, this->bpc); } if (imBinFileError(handle)) return IM_ERR_ACCESS; if (!imCounterInc(this->counter)) return IM_ERR_COUNTER; imFileLineBufferInc(this, &row, &plane); } if (this->comp_type == SGI_RLE) { imBinFileSeekTo(this->handle, 512); int tablen = this->height * imColorModeDepth(this->file_color_mode); imBinFileWrite(handle, this->starttab, tablen, 4); imBinFileWrite(handle, this->lengthtab, tablen, 4); } return IM_ERR_NONE; } int imFormatSGI::CanWrite(const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type) const { int color_space = imColorModeSpace(color_mode); if (color_space == IM_YCBCR || color_space == IM_LAB || color_space == IM_LUV || color_space == IM_XYZ || color_space == IM_CMYK || color_space == IM_MAP) return IM_ERR_DATA; if (data_type != IM_BYTE && data_type != IM_USHORT) return IM_ERR_DATA; if (!compression || compression[0] == 0) return IM_ERR_NONE; if (!imStrEqual(compression, "NONE") && !imStrEqual(compression, "RLE")) return IM_ERR_COMPRESS; return IM_ERR_NONE; }