------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Image class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local ctrl = { nick = "image", parent = WIDGET, creation = "nns", -- fake definition callback = {}, createfunc = [[ static int Image (lua_State * L) { int w, h, c, num_colors; unsigned char *pixels; Ihandle* ih; char str[20]; if (lua_istable(L, 1)) { int i, j; /* get the number of lines */ h = luaL_getn(L, 1); /* get the number of columns of the first line */ lua_pushnumber(L, 1); lua_gettable(L, 1); w = luaL_getn(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc (h*w); for (i=1; i<=h; i++) { lua_pushnumber(L, i); lua_gettable(L, 1); for (j=1; j<=w; j++) { int idx = (i-1)*w+(j-1); lua_pushnumber(L, j); lua_gettable(L, -2); pixels[idx] = (unsigned char)lua_tonumber(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); } lua_pop(L, 1); } ih = IupImage(w,h,pixels); free(pixels); num_colors = luaL_getn(L, 2); num_colors = num_colors>255? 255: num_colors; for(c=1; c<=num_colors; c++) { lua_rawgeti(L, 2, c); sprintf(str, "%d", c); IupStoreAttribute(ih, str, lua_tostring(L,-1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } } else { w = luaL_checkint(L, 1); h = luaL_checkint(L, 2); pixels = iuplua_checkuchar_array(L, 3, w*h); ih = IupImage(w, h, pixels); free(pixels); num_colors = luaL_getn(L, 4); num_colors = num_colors>256? 256: num_colors; for(c=1; c<=num_colors; c++) { lua_rawgeti(L, 4, c); sprintf(str, "%d", c-1); IupStoreAttribute(ih, str, lua_tostring(L,-1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } } iuplua_plugstate(L, ih); iuplua_pushihandle_raw(L, ih); return 1; } ]] } function ctrl.createElement(class, arg) if (arg.width and arg.height and arg.pixels) then return Image(arg.width, arg.height, arg.pixels, arg.colors) else return Image(arg, arg.colors) end end iupRegisterWidget(ctrl) iupSetClass(ctrl, "iup widget")