#include #include #include "iup.h" static int list_cb (Ihandle *h, char *t, int o, int selected) { if (selected == 1) { Ihandle* zbox = IupGetHandle ("zbox"); IupSetAttribute (zbox, "VALUE", t); } return IUP_DEFAULT; } void ZboxTest(void) { Ihandle *dlg; Ihandle *frm; Ihandle *zbox; Ihandle *text; Ihandle *list; Ihandle *lbl; Ihandle *btn; Ihandle *frame; frame = IupFrame(IupSetAttributes(IupList(NULL), "DROPDOWN=YES, 1=Test, 2=XXX, VALUE=1")); IupSetAttribute (frame, "TITLE", "List"); text = IupText(""); IupSetAttributes (text, "EXPAND = YES, VALUE = \"Enter your text here\""); /* Creates a label */ lbl = IupLabel("This element is a label"); /* Creatas a button */ btn = IupButton ("This button does nothing", ""); /* Creates handles for manipulating the zbox VALUE */ IupSetHandle ("frame", frame); IupSetHandle ("text", text); IupSetHandle ("lbl", lbl); IupSetHandle ("btn", btn); /* Creates zbox with four elements */ zbox = IupZbox (frame, text, lbl, btn, NULL); /* Associates handle "zbox" with zbox */ IupSetHandle ("zbox", zbox); /* Sets zbox alignment */ IupSetAttribute (zbox, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER"); IupSetAttribute (zbox, "VALUE", "text"); /* Creates frame */ frm = IupFrame ( IupHbox ( list = IupList(NULL), NULL ) ), /* Creates dialog */ dlg = IupDialog ( IupVbox ( frm, zbox, NULL ) ); IupSetAttributes (list, "1 = frame, 2 = text, 3 = lbl, 4 = btn, VALUE=2"); IupSetAttribute (frm, "TITLE", "Select an element"); IupSetAttributes (dlg, "MARGIN=10x10, GAP=10, TITLE = \"IupZbox Example\""); IupSetCallback (list, "ACTION", (Icallback) list_cb); IupShowXY (dlg, IUP_CENTER, IUP_CENTER ); } #ifndef BIG_TEST int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { IupOpen(&argc, &argv); ZboxTest(); IupMainLoop(); IupClose(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif