SNAPSHOT 2000-08-13 ------------------- New: - Renamed DLL and LIB files: pthreadVSE.dll (MS VC++/Structured EH) pthreadVSE.lib pthreadVCE.dll (MS VC++/C++ EH) pthreadVCE.lib pthreadGCE.dll (GNU G++/C++ EH) libpthreadw32.a Both your application and the pthread dll should use the same exception handling scheme. Bugs fixed: - MSVC++ C++ exception handling. Some new tests have been added. SNAPSHOT 2000-08-10 ------------------- New: - asynchronous cancelation on X86 (Jason Nye) - Makefile compatible with MS nmake to replace buildlib.bat - GNUmakefile for Mingw32 - tests/Makefile for MS nmake replaces runall.bat - tests/GNUmakefile for Mingw32 Bugs fixed: - kernel32 load/free problem - attempt to hide internel exceptions from application exception handlers (__try/__except and try/catch blocks) - Win32 thread handle leakage bug (David Baggett/Paul Redondo/Eyal Lebedinsky) Some new tests have been added. SNAPSHOT 1999-11-02 ------------------- Bugs fixed: - ctime_r macro had an incorrect argument (Erik Hensema), - threads were not being created PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED. This should have had little effect as deferred is the only supported type. (Ross Johnson). Some compatibility improvements added, eg. - pthread_setcancelstate accepts NULL pointer for the previous value argument. Ditto for pthread_setcanceltype. This is compatible with Solaris but should not affect standard applications (Erik Hensema) Some new tests have been added. SNAPSHOT 1999-10-17 ------------------- Bug fix - Cancelation of threads waiting on condition variables now works properly (Lorin Hochstein and Peter Slacik) SNAPSHOT 1999-08-12 ------------------- Fixed exception stack cleanup if calling pthread_exit() - (Lorin Hochstein and John Bossom). Fixed bugs in condition variables - (Peter Slacik): - additional contention checks - properly adjust number of waiting threads after timed condvar timeout. SNAPSHOT 1999-05-30 ------------------- Some minor bugs have been fixed. See the ChangeLog file for details. Some more POSIX 1b functions are now included but ony return an error (ENOSYS) if called. They are: sem_open sem_close sem_unlink sem_getvalue SNAPSHOT 1999-04-07 ------------------- Some POSIX 1b functions which were internally supported are now available as exported functions: sem_init sem_destroy sem_wait sem_trywait sem_post sched_yield sched_get_priority_min sched_get_priority_max Some minor bugs have been fixed. See the ChangeLog file for details. SNAPSHOT 1999-03-16 ------------------- Initial release.