Non-portable functions included in pthreads-win32

void *
pthread_timechange_handler_np(void *)

        To improve tolerance against operator or time service
        initiated system clock changes.

        This routine can be called by an application when it
        receives a WM_TIMECHANGE message from the system. At
        present it broadcasts all condition variables so that
        waiting threads can wake up and re-evaluate their
        conditions and restart their timed waits if required.

        It has the same return type and argument type as a
        thread routine so that it may be called directly
        through pthread_create() for asynchronicity.


        Although a parameter must be supplied, it is ignored.
        The value NULL can be used.

        Return values

        It can return an error EAGAIN to indicate that not
        all condition variables were broadcast for some reason.
        Otherwise, 0 is returned.

        If run as a thread, the return value is returned
        through pthread_join(), otherwise directly.

        The return value should be cast to an integer.

pthread_getw32threadhandle_np(pthread_t thread);

	Returns the win32 thread handle that the POSIX
	thread "thread" is running as.

	Applications can use the win32 handle to set
	win32 specific attributes of the thread.

pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(pthread_mutexattr_t * attr, int kind)

pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np(pthread_mutexattr_t * attr, int *kind)

        These two routines are included for Linux compatibility
        and are direct equivalents to the standard routines

        pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np accepts the following
        mutex kinds:

        These are really just equivalent to (respectively):

pthread_delay_np (const struct timespec *interval);

        This routine causes a thread to delay execution for a specific period of time.
        This period ends at the current time plus the specified interval. The routine
        will not return before the end of the period is reached, but may return an
        arbitrary amount of time after the period has gone by. This can be due to
        system load, thread priorities, and system timer granularity.

        Specifying an interval of zero (0) seconds and zero (0) nanoseconds is
        allowed and can be used to force the thread to give up the processor or to
        deliver a pending cancelation request.

        This routine is a cancelation point.

        The timespec structure contains the following two fields:

                tv_sec is an integer number of seconds.
                tv_nsec is an integer number of nanoseconds. 

        Return Values

        If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value
        indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows:

        0          Successful completion. 
        [EINVAL]   The value specified by interval is invalid. 


        This routine (found on HPUX systems) returns the number of processors
        in the system. This implementation actually returns the number of
        processors available to the process, which can be a lower number
        than the system's number, depending on the process's affinity mask.

pthread_win32_process_attach_np (void);

pthread_win32_process_detach_np (void);

pthread_win32_thread_attach_np (void);

pthread_win32_thread_detach_np (void);

	These functions contain the code normally run via dllMain
	when the library is used as a dll but which need to be
	called explicitly by an application when the library
	is statically linked.

	You will need to call pthread_win32_process_attach_np() before
	you can call any pthread routines when statically linking.
	You should call pthread_win32_process_detach_np() before
	exiting your application to clean up.

	pthread_win32_thread_attach_np() is currently a no-op, but
	pthread_win32_thread_detach_np() is needed to clean up
	after Win32 threads that have called pthreads routines
	have exited.

	These functions invariably return TRUE except for
	pthread_win32_process_attach_np() which will return FALSE
	if pthreads-win32 initialisation fails.

pthreadCancelableWait (HANDLE waitHandle);

pthreadCancelableTimedWait (HANDLE waitHandle, DWORD timeout);

	These two functions provide hooks into the pthread_cancel
	mechanism that will allow you to wait on a Windows handle
	and make it a cancellation point. Both functions block
	until either the given w32 handle is signaled, or
	pthread_cancel has been called. It is implemented using
	WaitForMultipleObjects on 'waitHandle' and a manually
	reset w32 event used to implement pthread_cancel.