This directory contains an implementation of pthreads for Win32. 

Mailing list
Dec 10, 1998

There is a mailing list for discussing pthreads on Win32 which is
managed by Majordomo. To subscribe, send mail to
and place the fllowing text in the message body:

	subscribe pthreads-win32

Building the library with Cygwin32 or Mingw32
Jan 9, 1999

The package cannot yet be built using cygwin32 or mingw32 because
the win32 compatibility stub libraries that come with those tools generate
their stub library function calls from the Win95 dll set
which don't include the _beginthreadx or _endthreadx functions used in this

The complete zipped (should be pkunzip compatible) source code and
a precompiled DLL and matching pthread.h can be found at:

Home page:

Ross Johnson