PTHREADS-WIN32 ============== Pthreads-win32 is free software, distributed under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). See the file 'COPYING.LIB' for terms and conditions. Mailing list ------------ There is a mailing list for discussing pthreads on Win32. To join, send email to: Unsubscribe by sending mail to: Acknowledgements ---------------- Pthreads-win32 is based substantially on a Win32 Pthreads implementation contributed by John E. Bossom . Many others have contributed important new code and bug fixes. See the 'CONTRIBUTORS' file for the list of contributors. Known bugs in this snapshot --------------------------- 1. Running the test "join1.c" with the library built with Mingw32 and the GNUmakefile included, the test fails with a segmentation (invalid page access) exception. The fault appears to be in the assembler code emmitted by the compiler [to handle exception contexts] at the end of the try block in _pthread_threadStart(). 2. There are problems with using the libpthread32.a file derived from the VC++ SEH version of pthread.dll. You may have to wait until bug(1.) is fixed. 3. I have not been able to build with VC++ using C++ EH. This is a maintainer problem who doesn't know how to do it. Consequently there may also be basic parser errors and warnings to be cleaned up in the code. 4. Due to what is believed to be C++ compliance error in VC++, if your application contains catch(...) blocks in your POSIX threads then you will need to replace the "catch(...)" with the macro "PtW32Catch", eg. #ifdef PtW32Catch PtW32Catch { ... } #else catch(...) { ... } #endif Otherwise neither pthreads cancelation nor pthread_exit() will work reliably. Building under Mingw32 ---------------------- pthread.dll can be built with the current development version of mingw32. Run "make" in the soruce directory (uses GNUmakefile). This builds pthread.dll and libpthread32.a. You can run the testsuite by changing to the "tests" directory and running "make clean" and then "make". See the "Known bugs" section above. Building under VC++ using SEH ----------------------------- From the source directory run "nmake". This builds pthread.dll and pthread.lib. You can run the testsuite by changing to the "tests" directory and running "nmake clean" and then "nmake". Why you cannot build the library with Cygwin yet ------------------------------------------------ The DLL pthread.dll still cannot be built using g++ due to non thread-safe exception handling in g++. Thanks to Kevin Ruland for researching this one. See the FAQ Question 2 for more information. However, you can use the export library libpthread32.a built under Mingw32 (not tested under Cygwin) together with the pthread.dll built with MSVC. Thanks to Anders Norlander for pointing this out. For convenience, the following pre-built files can be downloaded from the FTP site (see under "Availability" below): pthread.h semaphore.h sched.h pthread.dll - built with MSVC cl compiler pthread.lib - built with MSVC cl compiler libpthread32.a - built with Mingw32 (use with MSVC pthread.dll) With these files in the same directory as your application myapp.c, you could compile, link and run myapp.c under Mingw32 as follows: gcc -o myapp.exe myapp.c -I. -L. -lpthread32 myapp Or put pthread.dll in an appropriate directory in your PATH, put libpthread32.a in MINGW_ROOT\i386-mingw32\lib, and put pthread.h in MINGW_ROOT\i386-mingw32\include, then use: gcc -o myapp.exe myapp.c -lpthread32 myapp Availability ------------ The complete source code in either unbundled, self-extracting Zip file, or tar/gzipped format can be found at: The pre-built DLL, export libraries and matching pthread.h can be found at: Home page: ---- Ross Johnson