/* * barrier.c * * Description: * This translation unit implements spin locks primitives. * * Pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32 * Copyright (C) 1998 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include "pthread.h" #include "implement.h" #ifdef __MINGW32__ #define _LONG long #define _LPLONG long* #else #define _LONG PVOID #define _LPLONG PVOID* #endif int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t * barrier, const pthread_barrierattr_t * attr, unsigned int count) { int pshared = PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE; pthread_barrier_t b; pthread_mutexattr_t ma; if (barrier == NULL || count == 0) { return EINVAL; } if (NULL != (b = (pthread_barrier_t) calloc(1, sizeof(*b)))) { if (attr != NULL && *attr != NULL) { pshared = (*attr)->pshared; } b->nCurrentBarrierHeight = b->nInitialBarrierHeight = count; b->iStep = 0; b->nSerial = 0; if (0 == pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma) && 0 == pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&ma, pshared)) { if (0 == pthread_mutex_init(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess), &ma)) { pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma); if (0 == sem_init(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[0]), pshared, 0)) { if (0 == sem_init(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[1]), pshared, 0)) { *barrier = b; return 0; } (void) sem_destroy(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[0])); } (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); } pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&ma); } (void) free(b); } return ENOMEM; } int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *barrier) { int result = 0; pthread_barrier_t b; if (barrier == NULL || *barrier == (pthread_barrier_t) PTW32_OBJECT_INVALID) { return EINVAL; } b = *barrier; result = pthread_mutex_trylock(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); if (0 == result) { /* * FIXME!!! * The mutex isn't held by another thread but we could still * be too late invalidating the barrier below since another thread * may alredy have entered barrier_wait and the check for a valid * *barrier != NULL. */ *barrier = NULL; (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); (void) sem_destroy(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[1])); (void) sem_destroy(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[0])); (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); (void) free(b); } return(result); } int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *barrier) { int result; pthread_barrier_t b; if (barrier == NULL || *barrier == (pthread_barrier_t) PTW32_OBJECT_INVALID) { return EINVAL; } b = *barrier; result = pthread_mutex_lock(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); if (0 == result) { int step = b->iStep; unsigned int serial = b->nSerial; if (0 == --(b->nCurrentBarrierHeight)) { (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); /* * All other threads in this barrier set have at least passed * through the decrement and test above, so its safe to * raise the barrier to its full height. */ b->iStep = 1 - step; b->nCurrentBarrierHeight = b->nInitialBarrierHeight; (void) sem_post_multiple(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[step]), b->nInitialBarrierHeight - 1); } else { pthread_t self; int oldCancelState; (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(b->mtxExclusiveAccess)); self = pthread_self(); /* * pthread_barrier_wait() is not a cancelation point * so temporarily prevent pthreadCancelableWait() from being one. */ if (self->cancelType == PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED) { pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &oldCancelState); } /* * There is no race condition between the semaphore wait and post * because we are using two alternating semas and all threads have * entered barrier_wait and checked nCurrentBarrierHeight before this * barrier's sema can be posted. Any threads that have not quite * entered sem_wait below when the multiple_post above is called * will nevertheless continue through the sema (and the barrier). * We have fulfilled our synchronisation function. */ result = sem_wait(&(b->semBarrierBreeched[step])); if (self->cancelType == PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED) { pthread_setcancelstate(oldCancelState, NULL); } } /* * The first thread to return from the wait will be the * PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD. */ result = ((_LONG) serial == InterlockedCompareExchange((_LPLONG) &(b->nSerial), (_LONG) ((serial + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF), (_LONG) serial) ? PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD : 0); } return(result); } int pthread_barrierattr_init (pthread_barrierattr_t * attr) /* * ------------------------------------------------------ * DOCPUBLIC * Initializes a barrier attributes object with default * attributes. * * PARAMETERS * attr * pointer to an instance of pthread_barrierattr_t * * * DESCRIPTION * Initializes a barrier attributes object with default * attributes. * * NOTES: * 1) Used to define barrier types * * RESULTS * 0 successfully initialized attr, * ENOMEM insufficient memory for attr. * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ { pthread_barrierattr_t ba; int result = 0; ba = (pthread_barrierattr_t) calloc (1, sizeof (*ba)); if (ba == NULL) { result = ENOMEM; } ba->pshared = PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE; *attr = ba; return (result); } /* pthread_barrierattr_init */ int pthread_barrierattr_destroy (pthread_barrierattr_t * attr) /* * ------------------------------------------------------ * DOCPUBLIC * Destroys a barrier attributes object. The object can * no longer be used. * * PARAMETERS * attr * pointer to an instance of pthread_barrierattr_t * * * DESCRIPTION * Destroys a barrier attributes object. The object can * no longer be used. * * NOTES: * 1) Does not affect barrieres created using 'attr' * * RESULTS * 0 successfully released attr, * EINVAL 'attr' is invalid. * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ { int result = 0; if (attr == NULL || *attr == NULL) { result = EINVAL; } else { pthread_barrierattr_t ba = *attr; *attr = NULL; free (ba); result = 0; } return (result); } /* pthread_barrierattr_destroy */ int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared (const pthread_barrierattr_t * attr, int *pshared) /* * ------------------------------------------------------ * DOCPUBLIC * Determine whether barriers created with 'attr' can be * shared between processes. * * PARAMETERS * attr * pointer to an instance of pthread_barrierattr_t * * pshared * will be set to one of: * * PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED * May be shared if in shared memory * * PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE * Cannot be shared. * * * DESCRIPTION * Mutexes creatd with 'attr' can be shared between * processes if pthread_barrier_t variable is allocated * in memory shared by these processes. * NOTES: * 1) pshared barriers MUST be allocated in shared * memory. * 2) The following macro is defined if shared barriers * are supported: * _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED * * RESULTS * 0 successfully retrieved attribute, * EINVAL 'attr' is invalid, * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ { int result; if ((attr != NULL && *attr != NULL) && (pshared != NULL)) { *pshared = (*attr)->pshared; result = 0; } else { *pshared = PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE; result = EINVAL; } return (result); } /* pthread_barrierattr_getpshared */ int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared (pthread_barrierattr_t * attr, int pshared) /* * ------------------------------------------------------ * DOCPUBLIC * Barriers created with 'attr' can be shared between * processes if pthread_barrier_t variable is allocated * in memory shared by these processes. * * PARAMETERS * attr * pointer to an instance of pthread_barrierattr_t * * pshared * must be one of: * * PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED * May be shared if in shared memory * * PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE * Cannot be shared. * * DESCRIPTION * Mutexes creatd with 'attr' can be shared between * processes if pthread_barrier_t variable is allocated * in memory shared by these processes. * * NOTES: * 1) pshared barriers MUST be allocated in shared * memory. * * 2) The following macro is defined if shared barriers * are supported: * _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED * * RESULTS * 0 successfully set attribute, * EINVAL 'attr' or pshared is invalid, * ENOSYS PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED not supported, * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ { int result; if ((attr != NULL && *attr != NULL) && ((pshared == PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) || (pshared == PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE))) { if (pshared == PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) { #if !defined( _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED ) result = ENOSYS; pshared = PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE; #else result = 0; #endif /* _POSIX_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED */ } else { result = 0; } (*attr)->pshared = pshared; } else { result = EINVAL; } return (result); } /* pthread_barrierattr_setpshared */