/* * create.c * * Description: * This translation unit implements routines associated with spawning a new * thread. */ #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include "pthread.h" #include "implement.h" int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine) (void *), void * arg) { /* Call Win32 CreateThread. Map attributes as correctly as possible. The passed in attr structure will be modified by this routine to reflect any default values used. This is POSIX semantics. */ HANDLE handle = NULL; unsigned flags; unsigned stack; void * security = NULL; /* FIXME: This needs to be moved into process space. Perhaps into a structure that contains all per thread info that is Win32 thread specific but not visible from the pthreads API, and accessible through HANDLE (or pthread_t). */ SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attr; DWORD threadID; int t; int ret = 0; /* Success unless otherwise set */ char * privmem; pthread_attr_t * attr_copy; _pthread_cleanup_stack_t * cleanup_stack; /* Use and modify attr_copy. Only after we've succeeded in creating the new thread can we modify any passed-in structures. To save time we use one malloc() to get all of our heap space and then allocate it further. */ if (NULL == (privmem = (char) malloc(RND_SIZEOF(pthread_attr_t) + RND_SIZEOF(_pthread_cleanup_stack_t)))) { return EAGAIN; } attr_copy = (pthread_attr_t *) privmem; /* Force cleanup_stack to start at a DWORD boundary within privmem. */ cleanup_stack = (_pthread_cleanup_stack_t *) &privmem[RND_SIZEOF(pthread_attr_t)]; (void) memcpy(attr_copy, attr); /* CRITICAL SECTION */ pthread_mutex_lock(&_pthread_count_mutex); if (_pthread_threads_count < PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX) { switch (attr) { case NULL: /* Use POSIX default attributes */ stack = attr_copy->stacksize = PTHREAD_STACK_MIN; break; default: /* Map attributes */ if (attr_copy.stacksize != NULL) stack = (DWORD) attr_copy->stacksize; else stack = attr_copy->stacksize = PTHREAD_STACK_MIN; break; } flags = 1; /* Start suspended and resume at the last moment to avoid race conditions, ie. where a thread may enquire it's attributes before we finish storing them away. */ handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(security, stack, (unsigned (_stdcall *)(void *)) start_routine, arg, flags, &threadID); if (handle != NULL) { _pthread_threads_count++; /* The hash table works as follows: hash into the table, if the slot is occupied then start single stepping from there until we find an available slot. */ t = _PTHREAD_HASH_INDEX(handle); while ((_pthread_threads_table[t])->thread != NULL) { t++; if (t == PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX) t = 0; /* Wrap to the top of the table. */ } if ((_pthread_threads_table[t])->thread != NULL) { /* INTERNAL ERROR */ } else { (_pthread_threads_table[t])->thread = handle; (_pthread_threads_table[t])->attr = attr_copy; (_pthread_threads_table[t])->cleanupstack = cleanup_stack; } } else { ret = EAGAIN; } } else { ret = EAGAIN; } /* Let others in as soon as possible. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&_pthread_count_mutex); /* END CRITICAL SECTION */ if (ret == 0) { *thread = (pthread_t) handle; (void) memcpy(attr, attr_copy); /* POSIX threads are always running after creation. */ ResumeThread(handle); } else { free(privmem); } return ret; }