 * implement.h
 * Definitions that don't need to be public.
 * Keeps all the internals out of pthread.h

#ifndef _IMPLEMENT_H
#define _IMPLEMENT_H

 * Code contributed by John E. Bossom <JEB>.

typedef struct ThreadParms ThreadParms;
typedef struct ThreadKeyAssoc ThreadKeyAssoc;

struct ThreadParms {
  pthread_t tid;
  void *(*start) (void *);
  void *arg;

struct ThreadKeyAssoc {
   * Purpose:
   *      This structure creates an association between a
   *      thread and a key.
   *      It is used to implement the implicit invocation
   *      of a user defined destroy routine for thread
   *      specific data registered by a user upon exiting a
   *      thread.
   * Attributes:
   *      lock
   *              protects access to the rest of the structure
   *      thread
   *              reference to the thread that owns the association.
   *              As long as this is not NULL, the association remains
   *              referenced by the pthread_t.
   *      key
   *              reference to the key that owns the association.
   *              As long as this is not NULL, the association remains
   *              referenced by the pthread_key_t.
   *      nextKey
   *              The pthread_t->keys attribute is the head of a
   *              chain of associations that runs through the nextKey
   *              link. This chain provides the 1 to many relationship
   *              between a pthread_t and all pthread_key_t on which
   *              it called pthread_setspecific.
   *      nextThread
   *              The pthread_key_t->threads attribute is the head of
   *              a chain of assoctiations that runs through the
   *              nextThreads link. This chain provides the 1 to many
   *              relationship between a pthread_key_t and all the 
   *              PThreads that have called pthread_setspecific for
   *              this pthread_key_t.
   * Notes:
   *      1)      As long as one of the attributes, thread or key, is
   *              not NULL, the association is being referenced; once
   *              both are NULL, the association must be released.
   *      2)      Under WIN32, an association is only created by
   *              pthread_setspecific if the user provided a
   *              destroyRoutine when they created the key.
  pthread_mutex_t lock;
  pthread_t thread;
  pthread_key_t key;
  ThreadKeyAssoc *nextKey;
  ThreadKeyAssoc *nextThread;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------
 *      This macro constructs a software exception code following
 *      the same format as the standard Win32 error codes as defined
 *      in WINERROR.H
 *  Values are 32 bit values layed out as follows:
 *   1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 *  +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+
 *  |Sev|C|R|     Facility          |               Code            |
 *  +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+
 * Severity Values:
#define SE_SUCCESS              0x00
#define SE_INFORMATION	        0x01
#define SE_WARNING              0x10
#define SE_ERROR                0x11

#define MAKE_SOFTWARE_EXCEPTION( _severity, _facility, _exception ) \
( (DWORD) ( ( (_severity) << 30 ) |	/* Severity code	*/ \
	    ( 1 << 29 )	|		/* MS=0, User=1		*/ \
	    ( 0 << 28 )	|		/* Reserved		*/ \
	    ( (_facility) << 16 ) |	/* Facility Code	*/ \
	    ( (_exception) <<  0 )	/* Exception Code	*/ \
	    ) )

 * We choose one specific Facility/Error code combination to
 * identify our software exceptions vs. WIN32 exceptions.
 * We store our actual component and error code within
 * the optional information array.


/* Function pointer to TryEnterCriticalSection if it exists; otherwise NULL */
extern BOOL (WINAPI *_pthread_try_enter_critical_section)(LPCRITICAL_SECTION);

/* Declared in global.c */
extern int _pthread_processInitialized;
extern pthread_key_t _pthread_selfThreadKey;
extern pthread_key_t _pthread_cleanupKey;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * =====================
 * =====================
 * Forward Declarations
 * =====================
 * =====================
int _pthread_processInitialize (void);

void _pthread_processTerminate (void);

void _pthread_threadDestroy (pthread_t tid);

void _pthread_cleanupStack (void);

void *_pthread_threadStart (ThreadParms * threadParms);

void _pthread_callUserDestroyRoutines (pthread_t thread);

int _pthread_tkAssocCreate (ThreadKeyAssoc ** assocP,
			    pthread_t thread,
			    pthread_key_t key);

void _pthread_tkAssocDestroy (ThreadKeyAssoc * assoc);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* </JEB> */

 * Check for old and new versions of cygwin. See the FAQ file:
 * Question 1 - How do I get pthreads-win32 to link under Cygwin32 or Mingw32?
 * Patch by Anders Norlander <anorland@hem2.passagen.se>
#if defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)

/* Macro uses args so we can cast start_proc to LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE
 * in order to avoid warnings because of return type

#define _beginthreadex(security, \
		       stack_size, \
		       start_proc, \
		       arg, \
		       flags, \
		       pid) \
        CreateThread(security, \
		     stack_size, \
		     (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) start_proc, \
		     arg, \
		     flags, \

#define _endthreadex ExitThread

#endif /* __CYGWIN32__ || __CYGWIN__ */

#endif /* _IMPLEMENT_H */