 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Module: semaphore.h
 * Purpose:
 *      Semaphores aren't actually part of the PThreads standard.
 *      They are defined by the POSIX Standard:
 *              POSIX 1003.1b-1993      (POSIX.1b)
 *      They are supposed to follow the older UNIX convention for
 *      reporting errors. That is, on failure they are supposed
 *      to return a value of -1 and store the appropriate error
 *      number into 'errno'.
 *      HOWEVER,errno cannot be modified in a multithreaded
 *      program on WIN32; therefore, the value is returned as
 *      the function value.
 *      It is recommended that you compare for zero (0) for success
 *      instead of -1 for failure when checking the status of
 *      these functions.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined( SEMAPHORE_H )

#include <process.h>
#include <errno.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif				/* __cplusplus */

typedef HANDLE sem_t;

int sem_init (sem_t * sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);

int sem_destroy (sem_t * sem);

int sem_trywait (sem_t * sem);

int sem_wait (sem_t * sem);

int sem_post (sem_t * sem);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}				/* End of extern "C" */
#endif				/* __cplusplus */

#endif				/* !SEMAPHORE_H */