path: root/iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua
diff options
authorunknown <Pixel@.(none)>2009-12-14 08:13:06 -0800
committerunknown <Pixel@.(none)>2009-12-14 08:13:06 -0800
commit9e3a36537d07700ec49f432940b95cf2ee9689e8 (patch)
treefb8b327a09741297bc71867547ac144dec655767 /iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua
parentbb07454bba0c0ba4d9f1ca6dfc94011ce8b65af0 (diff)
First insert of the various lua files.
Diffstat (limited to 'iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua b/iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cfb7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iupe-hexview-toolbox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+loadmodule "luaiup"
+loadmodule "luahandle"
+loadmodule "lualibs"
+if not iupe then iupe = {} end
+if not iupep then iupep = {} end
+iupep.hexview_toolbox = {
+ clipboard = iup.clipboard{},
+ getcursor = function (self, hexview)
+ local rcursor = self.cursorlist.value - 3
+ local r
+ if rcursor == -2 then
+ r = hexview.kcursor
+ elseif rcursor == -1 then
+ r = hexview.mcursor
+ else
+ r = hexview.markers[rcursor]
+ end
+ return r + 0, markercolors[rcursor]
+ end,
+ hexview_cb = function (self, hexview)
+ local filecursor = hexview.filecursor
+ local filesize = hexview.filesize
+ local fcl = self.cursors.file
+ fcl.dec.title = filecursor
+ fcl.hex.title = hex(filecursor, "0x%08x")
+ local rend = filesize - filecursor
+ fcl.rend_dec.title = rend
+ fcl.rend_hex.title = hex(rend, "0x%08x")
+ local cursor, bgcolor = self:getcursor(hexview)
+ local oldcursor = self.oldcursor + 0
+ if oldcursor == cursor or cursor == -1 then return iup.DEFAULT end
+ self.oldcursor = cursor
+ local cl = self.cursors.normal
+ cl.dec.title = cursor
+ cl.hex.title = hex(cursor, "0x%08x")
+ rend = filesize - cursor
+ cl.rend_dec.title = rend
+ cl.rend_hex.title = hex(rend, "0x%08x")
+ cl.dec.bgcolor = bgcolor
+ cl.hex.bgcolor = bgcolor
+ cl.rend_dec.bgcolor = bgcolor
+ cl.rend_hex.bgcolor = bgcolor
+ local endianess = self.endianess.value + 0
+ local nbbytes = math.min(4, filesize - cursor)
+ local handle = hexview.handle
+ local v = self.values
+ if not handle or nbbytes == 0 then
+ for _, w in ipairs(v) do w.title = "n/a" end
+ return iup.DEFAULT
+ end
+ local buf = Buffer(true)
+ handle:seek(cursor)
+ buf:copyfrom(handle, nbbytes)
+ local u8 = buf:readU8()
+ buf:seek(0)
+ v.u8.title = u8
+ v.i8.title = u8 > 127 and u8 - 256 or u8
+ if nbbytes >= 2 then
+ local u16
+ if endianess == 1 then
+ u16 = buf:readU16()
+ else
+ local u1, u2
+ u1 = buf:readU8()
+ u2 = buf:readU8()
+ u16 = u2 + u1 * 256
+ end
+ buf:seek(0)
+ v.u16.title = u16
+ v.i16.title = u16 > 32767 and u16 - 65536 or u16
+ else
+ v.u16.title = "n/a"
+ v.i16.title = "n/a"
+ end
+ if nbbytes >= 4 then
+ local u32
+ if endianess == 1 then
+ u32 = buf:readU32()
+ else
+ local u1, u2, u3, u4
+ u1 = buf:readU8()
+ u2 = buf:readU8()
+ u3 = buf:readU8()
+ u4 = buf:readU8()
+ u32 = u4 + u3 * 256 + u2 * 65536 + u1 * 16777216
+ end
+ buf:seek(0)
+ if endianess == 2 then
+ local u1, u2, u3, u4
+ u1 = buf:readU8()
+ u2 = buf:readU8()
+ u3 = buf:readU8()
+ u4 = buf:readU8()
+ buf:reset()
+ buf:writeU8(u4)
+ buf:writeU8(u3)
+ buf:writeU8(u2)
+ buf:writeU8(u1)
+ end
+ local flt = buf:readFloat()
+ v.u32.title = u32
+ v.i32.title = u32 > 2147483647 and u32 - 4294967296 or u32
+ v.flt.title = flt
+ else
+ v.u16.title = "n/a"
+ v.i16.title = "n/a"
+ v.flt.title = "n/a"
+ end
+ buf:destroy()
+ return iup.DEFAULT
+ end,
+ cursor_change = function (self, hexview, toolbox, rend)
+ local ok, value = iup.GetParam("Cursor change", nil, "%s\n", self.title)
+ local isint
+ isint, value = pcall(function() return value + 0 end)
+ if not isint then return iup.DEFAULT end
+ local newvalue = rend and (hexview.filesize - value) or value
+ hexview:setcursor(toolbox.cursorlist.value - 3, newvalue)
+ return iup.DEFAULT
+ end,
+ filecursor_change = function (self, hexview, toolbox, rend)
+ local ok, value = iup.GetParam("File position change", nil, "%s\n", self.title)
+ local isint
+ isint, value = pcall(function() return value + 0 end)
+ if not isint then return iup.DEFAULT end
+ hexview.filecursor = math.min(math.max(rend and (hexview.filesize - value) or value, 0), hexview.filesize)
+ toolbox:hexview_cb(hexview)
+ hexview:updatescrollbar()
+ hexview:draw()
+ return iup.DEFAULT
+ end,
+ value_enquery = function (self)
+ -- iup.GetParam("Value copy/paste", nil, "%s\n", self.title)
+ iupep.hexview_toolbox.clipboard.text = self.title
+ end,
+ create = function (tab)
+ local hexview = tab.hexview
+ tab.hexview = nil
+ local cursorlabel_dec = iup.button{ tip = "Position of active cursor.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cursorlabel_hex = iup.button{ tip = "Position of active cursor.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cursorlabel_rend_dec = iup.button{ tip = "Position of active cursor,\nrelative to the end.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cursorlabel_rend_hex = iup.button{ tip = "Position of active cursor,\nrelative to the end.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local filecursorlabel_dec = iup.button{ tip = "Position of window.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local filecursorlabel_hex = iup.button{ tip = "Position of window.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local filecursorlabel_rend_dec = iup.button{ tip = "Position of window,\nrelative to the end.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local filecursorlabel_rend_hex = iup.button{ tip = "Position of window,\nrelative to the end.\nClick to select/change.", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cursorlist = iup.list{ tip = "Active cursor.", dropdown = "Yes", value = "1", "Keyboard", "Mouse", "Cursor 0", "Cursor 1", "Cursor 2", "Cursor 3", "Cursor 4", "Cursor 5", "Cursor 6", "Cursor 7", "Cursor 8", "Cursor 9", "Cursor 10" }
+ local endianess = iup.list{ tip = "Display value endianess.", dropdown = "Yes", value = "1", "Little Endian", "Big Endian" }
+ local cvlabel_u8 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: uint8.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_i8 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: int8.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_u16 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: uint16.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_i16 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: int16.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_u32 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: uint32.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_i32 = iup.button{ tip = "Type: int32.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local cvlabel_flt = iup.button{ tip = "Type: float.\nClick to copy value in clipboard", expand = "Horizontal", font = "Courier", alignment = "ARIGHT", flat = "Yes", spacing = "0", canfocus = "No", focusonclick = "No" }
+ local r = iup.frame {
+ iup.vbox {
+ iup.label{ title = "Cursor", font = "Helvetica, Bold 10" },
+ cursorlist,
+ iup.label{ separator = "Horizontal" },
+ iup.label{ title = "Cursor position", font = "Helvetica, Bold 10" },
+ cursorlabel_dec,
+ cursorlabel_rend_dec,
+ cursorlabel_hex,
+ cursorlabel_rend_hex,
+ iup.label{ separator = "Horizontal" },
+ iup.label{ title = "Cursor value", font = "Helvetica, Bold 10" },
+ endianess,
+ cvlabel_i8,
+ cvlabel_u8,
+ cvlabel_i16,
+ cvlabel_u16,
+ cvlabel_i32,
+ cvlabel_u32,
+ cvlabel_flt,
+ iup.label{ separator = "Horizontal" },
+ iup.label{ title = "File position", font = "Helvetica, Bold 10" },
+ filecursorlabel_dec,
+ filecursorlabel_rend_dec,
+ filecursorlabel_hex,
+ filecursorlabel_rend_hex,
+ iup.fill{},
+ },
+ unpack(tab),
+ }
+ r.cursors = {
+ normal = {
+ dec = cursorlabel_dec,
+ hex = cursorlabel_hex,
+ rend_dec = cursorlabel_rend_dec,
+ rend_hex = cursorlabel_rend_hex,
+ },
+ file = {
+ dec = filecursorlabel_dec,
+ hex = filecursorlabel_hex,
+ rend_dec = filecursorlabel_rend_dec,
+ rend_hex = filecursorlabel_rend_hex,
+ },
+ }
+ r.values = {
+ u8 = cvlabel_u8,
+ i8 = cvlabel_i8,
+ u16 = cvlabel_u16,
+ i16 = cvlabel_i16,
+ u32 = cvlabel_u32,
+ i32 = cvlabel_i32,
+ flt = cvlabel_flt,
+ }
+ r.cursorlist = cursorlist
+ r.endianess = endianess
+ r.getcursor = iupep.hexview_toolbox.getcursor
+ r.hexview_cb = iupep.hexview_toolbox.hexview_cb
+ r.oldcursor = -1
+ hexview:registercb(r.hexview_cb, r)
+ function cursorlist:action(text, pos, state)
+ r:hexview_cb(hexview)
+ end
+ function endianess:action(text, pos, state)
+ r.oldcursor = -1
+ r:hexview_cb(hexview)
+ end
+ cursorlabel_dec.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.cursor_change(self, hexview, r, false) end
+ cursorlabel_hex.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.cursor_change(self, hexview, r, false) end
+ cursorlabel_rend_dec.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.cursor_change(self, hexview, r, true) end
+ cursorlabel_rend_hex.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.cursor_change(self, hexview, r, true) end
+ filecursorlabel_dec.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.filecursor_change(self, hexview, r, false) end
+ filecursorlabel_hex.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.filecursor_change(self, hexview, r, false) end
+ filecursorlabel_rend_dec.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.filecursor_change(self, hexview, r, true) end
+ filecursorlabel_rend_hex.action = function (self) return iupep.hexview_toolbox.filecursor_change(self, hexview, r, true) end
+ cvlabel_u8.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_i8.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_u16.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_i16.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_u32.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_i32.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ cvlabel_flt.action = iupep.hexview_toolbox.value_enquery
+ r:hexview_cb(hexview)
+ return r
+ end,
+iupe.hexview_toolbox = iupep.hexview_toolbox.create