path: root/im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp
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authorPixel <>2009-11-04 11:56:41 -0800
committerPixel <>2009-11-04 11:59:33 -0800
commitd577d991b97ae2b5ee1af23641bcffc3f83af5b2 (patch)
tree590639d50205d1bcfaff2a7d2dc6ebf3f373c7ed /im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp
Initial import. Contains the im, cd and iup librairies, and a "working" Makefile for them under linux.
Diffstat (limited to 'im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp b/im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ead982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/im/src/process/im_houghline.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/** \file
+ * \brief Hough Transform
+ *
+ * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
+ * $Id: im_houghline.cpp,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:16:33 scuri Exp $
+ */
+#include <im.h>
+#include <im_util.h>
+#include <im_complex.h>
+#include <im_convert.h>
+#include <im_counter.h>
+#include "im_process_glo.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+static double *costab=NULL, *sintab=NULL;
+static int hgAbs(int x)
+ return x < 0? -x: x;
+typedef struct _point
+ int rho, theta, count;
+} point;
+typedef struct _listnode
+ struct _listnode *next;
+ point pt;
+} listnode;
+static listnode* listnew(point *pt)
+ listnode* node = (listnode*)malloc(sizeof(listnode));
+ node->next = NULL;
+ node->pt = *pt;
+ return node;
+static listnode* listadd(listnode* node, point *pt)
+ node->next = listnew(pt);
+ return node->next;
+/* minimum angle to match similar angles */
+#define THETA_DELTA1 0.05 /* radians */
+#define THETA_DELTA2 3 /* degrees */
+static int ptNear(point* pt1, point* pt2, int rho_delta)
+ int theta_diff = hgAbs(pt1->theta - pt2->theta);
+ if ((hgAbs(pt1->rho - pt2->rho) < rho_delta && theta_diff < THETA_DELTA2) ||
+ (hgAbs(pt1->rho + pt2->rho) < rho_delta && 180-theta_diff < THETA_DELTA2))
+ {
+ if (pt2->count > pt1->count)
+ return 2; /* replace the line */
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+static listnode* listadd_filtered(listnode* list, listnode* cur_node, point *pt, int rho_delta)
+ int ret;
+ listnode* lt = list;
+ while (lt)
+ {
+ ret = ptNear(&lt->pt, pt, rho_delta);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ if (ret == 2)
+ lt->pt = *pt; /* replace the line */
+ return cur_node;
+ }
+ lt = lt->next;
+ }
+ cur_node->next = listnew(pt);
+ return cur_node->next;
+/*C* Initial version from XITE
+ houghLine
+ $Id: im_houghline.cpp,v 1.1 2008/10/17 06:16:33 scuri Exp $
+ Copyright 1990, Blab, UiO
+ Image processing lab, Department of Informatics
+ University of Oslo
+ E-mail:
+ houghLine - Hough transform for line detection
+ Description:
+ Performs a Hough transform to detect lines. Every band in the
+ input image 'inimage' is transformed to a two dimensional
+ Hough space, a (theta, rho) space.
+ After creating the transform, the Hough space may be searched
+ for local maxima. Within each band, only the largest local
+ maximum (maxima) within a 'ws'x'ws' area is registered.
+ Besides, only maxima with number of updates above a limit
+ given by the ul option are used.
+ updateLimit determines the minimum number of updates for a maximum
+ to be used. The minimum number is determined from 'updateLimit'
+ and the size of the hough space image:
+ | updateLimit * MAX(horizontal size, vertical size)
+ Default: 0.1.
+ All pixels above zero in the 'input' band are
+ transformed to (theta,rho) space in the 'output'
+ band. The 'input' band may have any size, while
+ the 'output' band currently must be at least
+ | xsize: 180
+ | ysize: 2 * sqrt(inputXsize*inputXsize +
+ | inputYsize*inputYsize) + 1
+ Notice that band x coordinates 1..180 correspond
+ to angles theta = 0 .. 179, and y coordinates
+ 1..YSIZE correspond to rho = -(ysize/2) .. ysize/2.
+ Restrictions:
+ 'input' must have pixel type imbyte.
+ 'output' must have pixel type int.
+ Author: Tor Lønnestad, BLAB, Ifi, UiO
+static int houghLine(const imImage* input, imImage* output, int counter)
+ int ixsize, iysize, ixhalf, iyhalf, thetamax, x, y, rho, theta, rhomax;
+ imbyte *input_map = (imbyte*)input->data[0];
+ int *output_map = (int*)output->data[0];
+ ixsize = input->width;
+ iysize = input->height;
+ ixhalf = ixsize/2;
+ iyhalf = iysize/2;
+ thetamax = output->width; /* theta max = 180 */
+ rhomax = output->height/2; /* rho shift to 0, -rmax <= r <= +rmax */
+ costab = (double*)malloc(thetamax*sizeof(double));
+ sintab = (double*)malloc(thetamax*sizeof(double));
+ for (theta=0; theta < thetamax; theta++)
+ {
+ double th = (M_PI*theta)/thetamax;
+ costab[theta] = cos(th);
+ sintab[theta] = sin(th);
+ }
+ for (y=0; y < iysize; y++)
+ {
+ for (x=0; x < ixsize; x++)
+ {
+ if (input_map[y*ixsize + x])
+ {
+ for (theta=0; theta < thetamax; theta++)
+ {
+ rho = imRound((x-ixhalf)*costab[theta] + (y-iyhalf)*sintab[theta]);
+ if (rho > rhomax) continue;
+ if (rho < -rhomax) continue;
+ output_map[(rho+rhomax)*thetamax + theta]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!imCounterInc(counter))
+ {
+ free(costab); costab = NULL;
+ free(sintab); sintab = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ free(costab); costab = NULL;
+ free(sintab); sintab = NULL;
+ return 1;
+static listnode* findMaxima(const imImage* hough_points, int *line_count, const imImage* hough)
+ int x, y, xsize, ysize, rhomax, offset, rho_delta = 0;
+ listnode* maxima = NULL, *cur_node = NULL;
+ point pt;
+ imbyte *map = (imbyte*)hough_points->data[0];
+ int *hough_map = NULL;
+ xsize = hough_points->width; /* X = theta */
+ ysize = hough_points->height; /* Y = rho */
+ rhomax = ysize/2;
+ if (hough)
+ {
+ hough_map = (int*)hough->data[0];
+ rho_delta = (int)(rhomax*tan(THETA_DELTA1));
+ }
+ for (y=0; y < ysize; y++)
+ {
+ for (x=0; x < xsize; x++)
+ {
+ offset = y*xsize + x;
+ if (map[offset])
+ {
+ pt.theta = x;
+ pt.rho = y-rhomax;
+ if (!maxima)
+ {
+ cur_node = maxima = listnew(&pt);
+ (*line_count)++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hough_map)
+ {
+ listnode* old_node = cur_node;
+ pt.count = hough_map[offset];
+ cur_node = listadd_filtered(maxima, cur_node, &pt, rho_delta);
+ if (cur_node != old_node)
+ (*line_count)++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cur_node = listadd(cur_node, &pt);
+ (*line_count)++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return maxima;
+#define SWAPINT(a, b) {int t = a; a = b; b = t; }
+static void drawLine(imImage* image, int theta, int rho)
+ int xsize, ysize, xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop, xhalf, yhalf;
+ float a, b;
+ imbyte *map = (imbyte*)image->data[0];
+ xsize = image->width;
+ ysize = image->height;
+ xhalf = xsize/2;
+ yhalf = ysize/2;
+ if (theta == 0) /* vertical line */
+ {
+ int y;
+ if (rho+xhalf < 0 || rho+xhalf > xsize-1) return;
+ for (y=0; y < ysize; y++)
+ map[y*xsize + rho+xhalf]=254;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (theta == 90) /* horizontal line */
+ {
+ int x;
+ if (rho+yhalf < 0 || rho+yhalf > ysize-1) return;
+ for (x=0; x < xsize; x++)
+ map[(rho+yhalf)*xsize + x]=254;
+ return;
+ }
+ a = (float)(-costab[theta]/sintab[theta]);
+ b = (float)((rho + xhalf*costab[theta] + yhalf*sintab[theta])/sintab[theta]);
+ {
+ int x[2];
+ int y[2];
+ int c = 0;
+ int y1 = imRound(b); /* x = 0 */
+ int y2 = imRound(a*(xsize-1)+b); /* x = xsize-1 */
+ int x1 = imRound(-b/a); /* y = 0 */
+ int x2 = imRound((ysize-1-b)/a); /* y = ysize-1 */
+ if (y1 >= 0 && y1 < ysize)
+ {
+ y[c] = y1;
+ x[c] = 0;
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (y2 >= 0 && y2 < ysize)
+ {
+ y[c] = y2;
+ x[c] = xsize-1;
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (c < 2 && x1 >= 0 && x1 < xsize)
+ {
+ x[c] = x1;
+ y[c] = 0;
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (c < 2 && x2 >= 0 && x2 < xsize)
+ {
+ x[c] = x2;
+ y[c] = ysize-1;
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (c < 2) return;
+ ystart = y[0];
+ xstart = x[0];
+ ystop = y[1];
+ xstop = x[1];
+ }
+ {
+ int x, y;
+ if (45 <= theta && theta <= 135)
+ {
+ if (xstart > xstop)
+ SWAPINT(xstart, xstop);
+ for (x=xstart; x <= xstop; x++)
+ {
+ y = imRound(a*x + b);
+ if (y < 0) continue;
+ if (y > ysize-1) continue;
+ map[y*xsize + x]=254;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ystart > ystop)
+ SWAPINT(ystart, ystop);
+ for (y=ystart; y <= ystop; y++)
+ {
+ x = imRound((y-b)/a);
+ if (x < 0) continue;
+ if (x > xsize-1) continue;
+ map[y*xsize + x]=254;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int imProcessHoughLines(const imImage* image, imImage *NewImage)
+ int counter = imCounterBegin("Hough Line Transform");
+ imCounterTotal(counter, image->height, "Processing...");
+ int ret = houghLine(image, NewImage, counter);
+ imCounterEnd(counter);
+ return ret;
+static void DrawPoints(imImage *image, listnode* maxima)
+ listnode* cur_node;
+ while (maxima)
+ {
+ cur_node = maxima;
+ drawLine(image, cur_node->pt.theta, cur_node->pt.rho);
+ maxima = cur_node->next;
+ free(cur_node);
+ }
+static void ReplaceColor(imImage* NewImage)
+ int i;
+ imbyte* map = (imbyte*)NewImage->data[0];
+ NewImage->color_space = IM_MAP;
+ NewImage->palette[254] = imColorEncode(255, 0, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < NewImage->count; i++)
+ {
+ if (map[i] == 254)
+ map[i] = 255;
+ }
+int imProcessHoughLinesDraw(const imImage* original_image, const imImage *hough, const imImage *hough_points, imImage *NewImage)
+ int theta, line_count = 0;
+ if (original_image != NewImage)
+ imImageCopyData(original_image, NewImage);
+ listnode* maxima = findMaxima(hough_points, &line_count, hough);
+ ReplaceColor(NewImage);
+ costab = (double*)malloc(180*sizeof(double));
+ sintab = (double*)malloc(180*sizeof(double));
+ for (theta=0; theta < 180; theta++)
+ {
+ double th = (M_PI*theta)/180.;
+ costab[theta] = cos(th);
+ sintab[theta] = sin(th);
+ }
+ DrawPoints(NewImage, maxima);
+ free(costab); costab = NULL;
+ free(sintab); sintab = NULL;
+ return line_count;