path: root/iup/test/matrix_cbs.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'iup/test/matrix_cbs.c')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iup/test/matrix_cbs.c b/iup/test/matrix_cbs.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b7afb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iup/test/matrix_cbs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "iup.h"
+#include "iupcontrols.h"
+#include <cd.h>
+static int leave(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col)
+ printf("leaveitem_cb(%d, %d)\n", lin, col);
+ //if(lin == 3 && col ==2)
+ // return IUP_IGNORE; /* notice that this will lock the matrix in this cell */
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static char* value(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col)
+ static char str[50];
+ sprintf(str, "%d-%d", lin, col);
+ return str;
+static int enter(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col)
+ printf("enteritem_cb(%d, %d)\n", lin, col);
+ if(lin == 2 && col == 2)
+ {
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat2"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat3"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat4"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat5"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat6"), "REDRAW", "ALL");
+ }
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int dropselect(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col, Ihandle *drop, char *t, int i, int v)
+ printf("dropselect_cb(%d, %d)\n", lin, col);
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+int mdrop = 1;
+static int dropcheck(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col)
+ if(lin == 1 && col == 1)
+ {
+ if (mdrop)
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+ else
+ return IUP_IGNORE;
+ }
+ return IUP_IGNORE;
+static int click(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col)
+ char* value = IupMatGetAttribute(self, "", lin, col);
+ if (!value) value = "NULL";
+ printf("click_cb(%d, %d)\n", lin, col);
+ printf(" VALUE%d:%d = %s\n", lin, col, value);
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int drop(Ihandle *self, Ihandle *drop, int lin, int col)
+ printf("drop_cb(%d, %d)\n", lin, col);
+ if(lin == 1 && col == 1 && mdrop)
+ {
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "1", "A - Test of Very Big String for Dropdown!");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "2", "B");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "3", "C");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "4", "XXX");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "5", "5");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "6", "6");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "7", "7");
+ IupSetAttribute(drop, "8", NULL);
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ return IUP_IGNORE;
+static int edition(Ihandle *self, int lin, int col, int mode)
+ printf("edition_cb(lin=%d, col=%d, mode=%d)\n", lin, col, mode);
+ if (mode==1)
+ {
+ IupSetAttribute(self, "CARET", "3");
+ if(lin == 3 && col == 2)
+ return IUP_IGNORE;
+ }
+ //if(lin == 1 && col == 1 && mode==0 && mdrop == 1)
+ //{
+ // mdrop = 0;
+ // IupSetAttribute(self, "EDIT_MODE", "NO");
+ // IupSetAttribute(self, "EDIT_MODE", "YES");
+ // return IUP_IGNORE;
+ //}
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int drawcb(Ihandle *h, int lin, int col,int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
+ if (lin < 4)
+ return IUP_IGNORE;
+ cdForeground(CD_RED);
+ cdLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ cdLine(x1, y2, x2, y1);
+ {
+ char s[50];
+ sprintf(s, "%d:%d", lin, col);
+ cdTextAlignment(CD_CENTER);
+ cdText((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2, s);
+ }
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int actioncb(Ihandle *h, int c, int lin, int col, int active, char* after)
+ printf("action_cb(lin=%d, col=%d, active=%d, after=%s)\n", lin, col, active, after);
+ if (lin == 2 && col == 3 && active && after)
+ {
+ char str[100];
+ strcpy(str, after);
+ strcat(str, "xxx");
+ IupStoreAttribute(h,"VALUE", str);
+ IupSetAttribute(h,"CARET","1");
+ IupSetAttribute(h,"REDRAW","ALL");
+ }
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static Ihandle *create_mat(void)
+ Ihandle *mat = IupMatrix(NULL);
+ static int mati = 1;
+ char name[30];
+ sprintf(name, "mat%d", mati);
+ mati++;
+ IupSetHandle(name, mat);
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"NUMCOL","15");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"NUMLIN","18");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"NUMCOL_VISIBLE","5");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"NUMLIN_VISIBLE","8");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"EXPAND", "NO");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"SCROLLBAR", "NO");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"RESIZEMATRIX", "YES");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKMODE", "CELL");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKMODE", "LINCOL");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKMULTIPLE", "YES");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKAREA", "NOT_CONTINUOUS");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat, "MARKAREA", "CONTINUOUS");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"0:0","Inflation");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"1:0","Medicine ");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"2:0","Food");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"3:0","Energy");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"0:1","January 2000");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"0:2","February 2000");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"1:1","5.6");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"2:1","2.2");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"3:1","7.2");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"1:2","4.5");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"2:2","8.1");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"3:2","3.4 (RO)");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"BGCOLOR1:*","255 128 0");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"BGCOLOR2:1","255 128 0");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"FGCOLOR2:0","255 0 128");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"BGCOLOR0:*","255 0 128");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"FGCOLOR1:1","255 0 128");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"BGCOLOR3:*","255 128 0");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"BGCOLOR*:4","255 128 0");
+ //IupSetAttribute(mat,"FONT2:*", "Times New Roman:BOLD:8");
+ //IupSetAttribute(mat,"FONT*:2", "Courier::12");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"SORTSIGN1","UP");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"SORTSIGN2","DOWN");
+ IupSetAttribute(mat,"FRAMEVERTCOLOR2:2","255 255 255");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKAREA","NOT_CONTINUOUS");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"MARKMULTIPLE","YES");
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"LEAVEITEM_CB",(Icallback)leave);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"ENTERITEM_CB",(Icallback)enter);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"DROPSELECT_CB",(Icallback)dropselect);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"DROP_CB",(Icallback)drop);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"DROPCHECK_CB",(Icallback)dropcheck);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"EDITION_CB",(Icallback)edition);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"CLICK_CB",(Icallback)click);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"DRAW_CB",(Icallback)drawcb);
+ IupSetCallback(mat,"ACTION_CB",(Icallback)actioncb);
+// IupSetCallback(mat,"VALUE_CB",(Icallback)value);
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"WIDTH0","24");
+// IupSetAttribute(mat,"HEIGHT0","8");
+// iupmaskMatSet(mat, IUPMASK_FLOAT, 0, 1, 2, 1) ;
+ return mat;
+static int redraw(Ihandle *self)
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat2"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ //IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat3"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ //IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat4"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ //IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat5"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ //IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat6"),"REDRAW","ALL");
+ //Ihandle* mat = IupGetHandle("mat1");
+ //if (IupGetInt(mat, "VISIBLE"))
+ //{
+ // IupSetAttribute(mat,"VISIBLE","NO");
+ // IupStoreAttribute(mat, "OLD_SIZE", IupGetAttribute(mat, "RASTERSIZE"));
+ // IupSetAttribute(mat, "RASTERSIZE", "1x1");
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // IupStoreAttribute(mat, "RASTERSIZE", IupGetAttribute(mat, "OLD_SIZE"));
+ // IupSetAttribute(mat,"VISIBLE","YES");
+ //}
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int removeline(Ihandle *self)
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"),"DELLIN","1");
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int addline(Ihandle *self)
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"),"ADDLIN","0");
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int removecol(Ihandle *self)
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"),"DELCOL","1");
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int addcol(Ihandle *self)
+ IupSetAttribute(IupGetHandle("mat1"),"ADDCOL","0");
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static int bt_cb(Ihandle *self)
+ printf("DEFAULTENTER\n");
+ return IUP_DEFAULT;
+static void createmenu(void)
+ Ihandle* menu = IupMenu(
+ IupSubmenu("submenu", IupMenu(IupItem("item1","x"), IupItem("item2","x"), NULL)),
+ IupItem("remove line","removeline"),
+ IupItem("add line","addline"),
+ IupItem("remove col","removecol"),
+ IupItem("add col","addcol"),
+ IupItem("redraw","redraw"),
+ NULL);
+ IupSetHandle("mymenu", menu);
+void MatrixCbsTest(void)
+ Ihandle *dlg, *bt;
+ IupSetFunction("removeline", (Icallback)removeline);
+ IupSetFunction("addline", (Icallback)addline);
+ IupSetFunction("removecol", (Icallback)removecol);
+ IupSetFunction("addcol", (Icallback)addcol);
+ IupSetFunction("redraw", (Icallback)redraw);
+ createmenu();
+ bt = IupButton("Button", NULL);
+ IupSetCallback(bt, "ACTION", bt_cb);
+ dlg = IupDialog(
+// IupZbox(
+ IupTabs(
+ IupSetAttributes(
+ IupVbox((create_mat()), bt, IupText(""), IupLabel("Label Text"), IupVal("HORIZONTAL"),
+ NULL), "MARGIN=10x10, GAP=10, TABTITLE=Test1"),
+ IupSetAttributes(
+ IupVbox(IupFrame(create_mat()), IupText(""), IupLabel("Label Text"), IupVal("HORIZONTAL"),
+// NULL), "BGCOLOR=\"0 255 255\", MARGIN=10x10, GAP=10, TABTITLE=Test2,FONT=HELVETICA_ITALIC_14"),
+// NULL), "FONT=HELVETICA_NORMAL_12, BGCOLOR=\"0 255 255\", MARGIN=10x10, GAP=10, TABTITLE=Test2"),
+ NULL), "BGCOLOR=\"0 255 255\", MARGIN=10x10, GAP=10, TABTITLE=Test2"),
+ NULL));
+ IupSetAttribute(dlg,"TITLE", "IupMatrix");
+ IupSetAttribute(dlg,"MENU", "mymenu");
+ IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg,"DEFAULTENTER", bt);
+// IupSetAttribute(dlg,"BGCOLOR", "255 0 255");
+ //IupSetAttribute(dlg,"COMPOSITED", "YES");
+ //IupSetAttribute(dlg,"OPACITY", "192");
+#ifndef BIG_TEST
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ IupOpen(&argc, &argv);
+ IupControlsOpen();
+ MatrixCbsTest();
+ IupMainLoop();
+ IupClose();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;