path: root/ANNOUNCE
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Diffstat (limited to 'ANNOUNCE')
1 files changed, 730 insertions, 730 deletions
diff --git a/ANNOUNCE b/ANNOUNCE
index 6141400..4a238d8 100644
@@ -1,730 +1,730 @@
- ----------------------------------
- Web Site:
- FTP Site:
- Coordinator: Ross Johnson <>
-We are pleased to announce the availability of a new snapshot of
-Pthreads-win32, an Open Source Software implementation of the
-Threads component of the POSIX 1003.1c 1995 Standard for Microsoft's
-Win32 environment. Some functions from POSIX 1003.1b are also
-supported including semaphores. Other related functions include
-the set of read-write lock functions.
-Parts of the implementation also comply with the Open Group's
-Single Unix specification for compatibility with major Unix
-implementations and Linux.
-Pthreads-win32 is free software, distributed under the GNU Lesser
-General Public License (LGPL).
-Please see the 'Acknowledgements' section at the end of this
-announcement for the list of contributors.
-Changes since the last snapshot
-Cleanup code default style. (IMPORTANT)
-Previously, if not defined, the cleanup style was determined automatically
-from the compiler/language, and one of the following was defined accordingly:
- __CLEANUP_CXX C++, including MSVC++, GNU G++
- __CLEANUP_C C, including GNU GCC, not MSVC
-These defines determine the style of cleanup (see pthread.h) and,
-most importantly, the way that cancelation and thread exit (via
-pthread_exit) is performed (see the routine ptw32_throw() in private.c).
-In short, the exceptions versions of the library throw an exception
-when a thread is canceled or exits (via pthread_exit()), which is
-caught by a handler in the thread startup routine, so that the
-the correct stack unwinding occurs regardless of where the thread
-is when it's canceled or exits via pthread_exit().
-In this and future snapshots, unless the build explicitly defines (e.g.
-via a compiler option) __CLEANUP_SEH, __CLEANUP_CXX, or __CLEANUP_C, then
-the build NOW always defaults to __CLEANUP_C style cleanup. This style
-uses setjmp/longjmp in the cancelation and pthread_exit implementations,
-and therefore won't do stack unwinding even when linked to applications
-that have it (e.g. C++ apps). This is for consistency with most
-current commercial Unix POSIX threads implementations. Compaq's TRU64
-may be an exception (no pun intended) and possible future trend.
-Although it was not clearly documented before, it is still necessary to
-build your application using the same __CLEANUP_* define as was
-used for the version of the library that you link with, so that the
-correct parts of pthread.h are included. That is, the possible
-defines require the following library versions:
- __CLEANUP_SEH pthreadVSE.dll
- __CLEANUP_CXX pthreadVCE.dll or pthreadGCE.dll
- __CLEANUP_C pthreadVC.dll or pthreadGC.dll
-E.g. regardless of whether your app is C or C++, if you link with
-pthreadVC.lib or libpthreadGC.a, then you must define __CLEANUP_C.
-THE POINT OF ALL THIS IS: if you have not been defining one of these
-explicitly, then the defaults as described at the top of this
-section were being used.
-THIS NOW CHANGES, as has been explained above, but to try to make this
-clearer here's an example:
-If you were building your application with MSVC++ i.e. using C++
-exceptions and not explicitly defining one of __CLEANUP_*, then
-__CLEANUP_C++ was automatically defined for you in pthread.h.
-You should have been linking with pthreadVCE.dll, which does
-stack unwinding.
-If you now build your application as you had before, pthread.h will now
-automatically set __CLEANUP_C as the default style, and you will need to
-link with pthreadVC.dll. Stack unwinding will now NOT occur when a thread
-is canceled, or the thread calls pthread_exit().
-Your application will now most likely behave differently to previous
-versions, and in non-obvious ways. Most likely is that locally
-instantiated objects may not be destroyed or cleaned up after a thread
-is canceled.
-If you want the same behaviour as before, then you must now define
-__CLEANUP_C++ explicitly using a compiler option and link with
-pthreadVCE.dll as you did before.
-Because no commercial Unix POSIX threads implementation allows you to
-choose to have stack unwinding. Therefore, providing it in pthread-win32
-as a default is dangerous. We still provide the choice but unless
-you consciously choose to do otherwise, your pthreads applications will
-now run or crash in similar ways irrespective of the threads platform
-you use. Or at least this is the hope.
-There are a few reasons:
-- because there are well respected POSIX threads people who believe
- that POSIX threads implementations should be exceptions aware and
- do the expected thing in that context. (There are equally respected
- people who believe it should not be easily accessible, if it's there
- at all, for unconditional conformity to other implementations.)
-- because pthreads-win32 is one of the few implementations that has
- the choice, perhaps the only freely available one, and so offers
- a laboratory to people who may want to explore the effects;
-- although the code will always be around somewhere for anyone who
- wants it, once it's removed from the current version it will not be
- nearly as visible to people who may have a use for it.
-Source module splitting
-In order to enable smaller image sizes to be generated
-for applications that link statically with the library,
-most routines have been separated out into individual
-source code files.
-This is being done in such a way as to be backward compatible.
-The old source files are reused to congregate the individual
-routine files into larger translation units (via a bunch of
-# includes) so that the compiler can still optimise wherever
-possible, e.g. through inlining, which can only be done
-within the same translation unit.
-It is also possible to build the entire library by compiling
-the single file named "pthread.c", which just #includes all
-the secondary congregation source files. The compiler
-may be able to use this to do more inlining of routines.
-Although the GNU compiler is able to produce libraries with
-the necessary separation (the -ffunction-segments switch),
-AFAIK, the MSVC and other compilers don't have this feature.
-Finally, since I use makefiles and command-line compilation,
-I don't know what havoc this reorganisation may wreak amongst
-IDE project file users. You should be able to continue
-using your existing project files without modification.
-New non-portable function
-pthread_num_processors_np(): Returns the number of processors
-in the system that are available to the process, as determined
-from the processor affinity mask.
-Platform dependence
-As Win95 doesn't provide one, the library now contains
-it's own InterlockedCompareExchange() routine, which is used
-whenever Windows doesn't provide it. InterlockedCompareExchange()
-is used to implement spinlocks and barriers, and also in mutexes.
-This routine relies on the CMPXCHG machine instruction which
-is not available on i386 CPUs. This library (from snapshot
-20010712 onwards) is therefore no longer supported on i386
-processor platforms.
-New routines
-For source code portability only - rwlocks cannot be process shared yet.
- pthread_rwlockattr_init()
- pthread_rwlockattr_destroy()
- pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared()
- pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared()
-As defined in the new POSIX standard, and the Single Unix Spec version 3:
- sem_timedwait()
- pthread_mutex_timedlock()
-pthread.h no longer includes windows.h
-[Not yet for G++]
-This was done to prevent conflicts.
-HANDLE, DWORD, and NULL are temporarily defined within pthread.h if
-they are not already.
-Bug fixes
-* Fixed potential NULL pointer dereferences in pthread_mutexattr_init,
-pthread_mutexattr_getpshared, pthread_barrierattr_init,
-pthread_barrierattr_getpshared, and pthread_condattr_getpshared.
-- Scott McCaskill <>
-* Removed potential race condition in pthread_mutex_trylock and
-- Alexander Terekhov <>
-* The behaviour of pthread_mutex_trylock in relation to
-recursive mutexes was inconsistent with commercial implementations.
-Trylock would return EBUSY if the lock was owned already by the
-calling thread regardless of mutex type. Trylock now increments the
-recursion count and returns 0 for RECURSIVE mutexes, and will
-return EDEADLK rather than EBUSY for ERRORCHECK mutexes. This is
-consistent with Solaris.
-- Thomas Pfaff <>
-* Found a fix for the library and workaround for applications for
-the known bug #2, i.e. where __CLEANUP_CXX or __CLEANUP_SEH is defined.
-See the "Known Bugs in this snapshot" section below.
-This could be made transparent to applications by replacing the macros that
-define the current C++ and SEH versions of pthread_cleanup_push/pop
-with the C version, but AFAIK cleanup handlers would not then run in the
-correct sequence with destructors and exception cleanup handlers when
-an exception occurs.
-* Cancelation once started in a thread cannot now be inadvertantly
-double canceled. That is, once a thread begins it's cancelation run,
-cancelation is disabled and a subsequent cancel request will
-return an error (ESRCH).
-Known bugs in this snapshot
-1. Under MS VC++ (only tested with version 6.0), a term_func
- set via the standard C++ set_terminate() function is not called
- for some reason. The code in private.c ptw32_threadStart()
- retrieves and calls the user supplied terminate routine, which
- works as expected under MinGW32 g++, but doesn't run under
- MS VC++ 6.0, presumably because set_terminate() returns NULL.
-2. Cancellation problems in optimised code
- - Milan Gardian
- Workaround [rpj - 2 Feb 2002]
- -----------------------------
- The problem disappears when /Ob0 is used, i.e. /O2 /Ob0 works OK,
- but if you want to use inlining optimisation you can be much more
- specific about where it's switched off and on by using a pragma.
- So the inlining optimisation is interfering with the way that cleanup
- handlers are run. It appears to relate to auto-inlining of class methods
- since this is the only auto inlining that is performed at /O1 optimisation
- (functions with the "inline" qualifier are also inlined, but the problem
- doesn't appear to involve any such functions in the library or testsuite).
- In order to confirm the inlining culprit, the following use of pragmas
- eliminate the problem but I don't know how to make it transparent, putting
- it in, say, pthread.h where pthread_cleanup_push defined as a macro.
- #pragma inline_depth(0)
- pthread_cleanup_push(handlerFunc, (void *) &arg);
- /* ... */
- pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
- #pragma inline_depth()
- Note the empty () value after the pop macro. This resets depth to the
- default. Or you can specify a non-zero depth here.
- The pragma is also needed (and now used) within the library itself wherever
- cleanup handlers are used (condvar.c and rwlock.c).
- Use of these pragmas allows compiler optimisations /O1 and /O2 to be
- used for either or both the library and applications.
- Experimenting further, I found that wrapping the actual cleanup handler
- function with #pragma auto_inline(off|on) does NOT work.
- MSVC6.0 doesn't appear to support the C99 standard's _Pragma directive,
- however, later versions may. This form is embeddable inside #define
- macros, which would be ideal because it would mean that it could be added
- to the push/pop macro definitions in pthread.h and hidden from the
- application programmer.
- [/rpj]
- Original problem description
- ----------------------------
- The cancellation (actually, cleanup-after-cancel) tests fail when using VC
- (professional) optimisation switches (/O1 or /O2) in pthreads library. I
- have not investigated which concrete optimisation technique causes this
- problem (/Og, /Oi, /Ot, /Oy, /Ob1, /Gs, /Gf, /Gy, etc.), but here is a
- summary of builds and corresponding failures:
- * pthreads VSE (optimised tests): OK
- * pthreads VCE (optimised tests): Failed "cleanup1" test (runtime)
- * pthreads VSE (DLL in CRT, optimised tests): OK
- * pthreads VCE (DLL in CRT, optimised tests): Failed "cleanup1" test
- (runtime)
- Please note that while in VSE version of the pthreads library the
- optimisation does not really have any impact on the tests (they pass OK), in
- VCE version addition of optimisation (/O2 in this case) causes the tests to
- fail uniformly - either in "cleanup0" or "cleanup1" test cases.
- Please note that all the tests above use default pthreads DLL (no
- optimisations, linked with either static or DLL CRT, based on test type).
- Therefore the problem lies not within the pthreads DLL but within the
- compiled client code (the application using pthreads -> involvement of
- "pthread.h").
- I think the message of this section is that usage of VCE version of pthreads
- in applications relying on cancellation/cleanup AND using optimisations for
- creation of production code is highly unreliable for the current version of
- the pthreads library.
-1. Due to what is believed to be a C++ compliance error in VC++,
-if your application contains catch(...) blocks in your POSIX threads
-then you will need to replace the "catch(...)" with the macro
-"PtW32Catch", eg.
- #ifdef PtW32Catch
- PtW32Catch {
- ...
- }
- #else
- catch(...) {
- ...
- }
- #endif
-Otherwise neither pthreads cancelation nor pthread_exit() will work
-Level of standards conformance
-The following POSIX 1003.1c/1b/1j options are defined:
-The following POSIX 1003.1c options are not defined:
-The following functions are implemented:
- ---------------------------
- PThreads
- ---------------------------
- pthread_attr_init
- pthread_attr_destroy
- pthread_attr_getdetachstate
- pthread_attr_getstackaddr
- pthread_attr_getstacksize
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate
- pthread_attr_setstackaddr
- pthread_attr_setstacksize
- pthread_create
- pthread_detach
- pthread_equal
- pthread_exit
- pthread_join
- pthread_once
- pthread_self
- pthread_cancel
- pthread_cleanup_pop
- pthread_cleanup_push
- pthread_setcancelstate
- pthread_setcanceltype
- pthread_testcancel
- ---------------------------
- Thread Specific Data
- ---------------------------
- pthread_key_create
- pthread_key_delete
- pthread_setspecific
- pthread_getspecific
- ---------------------------
- Mutexes
- ---------------------------
- pthread_mutexattr_init
- pthread_mutexattr_destroy
- pthread_mutexattr_getpshared
- pthread_mutexattr_setpshared
- pthread_mutexattr_gettype
- pthread_mutexattr_settype (types: PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT
- pthread_mutex_init
- pthread_mutex_destroy
- pthread_mutex_lock
- pthread_mutex_trylock
- pthread_mutex_timedlock
- pthread_mutex_unlock
- ---------------------------
- Condition Variables
- ---------------------------
- pthread_condattr_init
- pthread_condattr_destroy
- pthread_condattr_getpshared
- pthread_condattr_setpshared
- pthread_cond_init
- pthread_cond_destroy
- pthread_cond_wait
- pthread_cond_timedwait
- pthread_cond_signal
- pthread_cond_broadcast
- ---------------------------
- Read/Write Locks - POSIX 1j
- ---------------------------
- pthread_rwlock_init
- pthread_rwlock_destroy
- pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock
- pthread_rwlock_trywrlock
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock
- pthread_rwlock_rwlock
- pthread_rwlock_unlock
- pthread_rwlockattr_init
- pthread_rwlockattr_destroy
- pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared
- pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared
- ---------------------------
- Spin Locks - POSIX 1j
- ---------------------------
- pthread_spin_init
- pthread_spin_destroy
- pthread_spin_lock
- pthread_spin_unlock
- pthread_spin_trylock
- ---------------------------
- Barriers - POSIX 1j
- ---------------------------
- pthread_barrier_init
- pthread_barrier_destroy
- pthread_barrier_wait
- pthread_barrierattr_init
- pthread_barrierattr_destroy
- pthread_barrierattr_getpshared
- pthread_barrierattr_setpshared
- ---------------------------
- Semaphores - POSIX 1b
- ---------------------------
- sem_init
- sem_destroy
- sem_post
- sem_wait
- sem_trywait
- sem_timedwait
- sem_open (returns an error ENOSYS)
- sem_close (returns an error ENOSYS)
- sem_unlink (returns an error ENOSYS)
- sem_getvalue (returns an error ENOSYS)
- ---------------------------
- RealTime Scheduling
- ---------------------------
- pthread_attr_getschedparam
- pthread_attr_setschedparam
- pthread_attr_getinheritsched
- pthread_attr_setinheritsched
- pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (only supports SCHED_OTHER)
- pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (only supports SCHED_OTHER)
- pthread_getschedparam
- pthread_setschedparam
- pthread_getconcurrency
- pthread_setconcurrency
- pthread_attr_getscope
- pthread_attr_setscope (only supports PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM)
- sched_get_priority_max (POSIX 1b)
- sched_get_priority_min (POSIX 1b)
- sched_rr_get_interval (POSIX 1b - returns an error ENOTSUP)
- sched_setscheduler (POSIX 1b - only supports SCHED_OTHER)
- sched_getscheduler (POSIX 1b - only supports SCHED_OTHER)
- sched_yield (POSIX 1b)
- ---------------------------
- Signals
- ---------------------------
- pthread_sigmask
- ---------------------------
- Non-portable routines (see the README.NONPORTABLE file for usage)
- ---------------------------
- pthread_getw32threadhandle_np
- pthread_delay_np
- pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np
- pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np (types: PTHREAD_MUTEX_FAST_NP,
- pthread_num_processors_np
- pthread_win32_process_attach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
- pthread_win32_process_detach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
- pthread_win32_thread_attach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
- pthread_win32_thread_detach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
- ---------------------------
- Static Initializers
- ---------------------------
- ---------------------------
- Thread-Safe C Runtime Library (macros)
- ---------------------------
- strtok_r
- asctime_r
- ctime_r
- gmtime_r
- localtime_r
- rand_r
-The following functions are not implemented:
- ---------------------------
- RealTime Scheduling
- ---------------------------
- pthread_mutex_getprioceiling
- pthread_mutex_setprioceiling
- pthread_mutex_attr_getprioceiling
- pthread_mutex_attr_getprotocol
- pthread_mutex_attr_setprioceiling
- pthread_mutex_attr_setprotocol
- ---------------------------
- Fork Handlers
- ---------------------------
- pthread_atfork
- ---------------------------
- Stdio
- ---------------------------
- flockfile
- ftrylockfile
- funlockfile
- getc_unlocked
- getchar_unlocked
- putc_unlocked
- putchar_unlocked
- ---------------------------
- Thread-Safe C Runtime Library
- ---------------------------
- readdir_r
- getgrgid_r
- getgrnam_r
- getpwuid_r
- getpwnam_r
- ---------------------------
- Signals
- ---------------------------
- pthread_kill
- sigtimedwait
- sigwait
- sigwaitinfo
-The library includes two non-API functions for creating cancellation
-points in applications and libraries:
- pthreadCancelableWait
- pthreadCancelableTimedWait
-The prebuilt DLL, export libs (for both MSVC and Mingw32), and the header
-files (pthread.h, semaphore.h, sched.h) are available along with the
-complete source code.
-The source code can be found at:
-and as individual source code files at
-The pre-built DLL, export libraries and include files can be found at:
-Mailing List
-There is a mailing list for discussing pthreads on Win32. To join,
-send email to:
-Application Development Environments
-See the README file for more information.
-MSVC using SEH works. Distribute pthreadVSE.dll with your application.
-MSVC using C++ EH works. Distribute pthreadVCE.dll with your application.
-MSVC using C setjmp/longjmp works. Distribute pthreadVC.dll with your application.
-See FAQ Questions 6 and 10.
-Mingw using C++ EH works. Distribute pthreadGCE.dll with your application.
-Mingw using C setjmp/longjmp works. Distribute pthreadGC.dll with your application.
-Cygwin: (
-Developers using Cygwin will not need pthreads-win32 since it has POSIX threads
-support. Refer to its documentation for details and extent.
-UWIN is a complete Unix-like environment for Windows from AT&T. Pthreads-win32
-doesn't currently support UWIN (and vice versa), but that may change in the
-For convenience, the following pre-built files are available on the FTP site
-(see Availability above):
- pthread.h - for POSIX 1c threads
- semaphore.h - for POSIX 1b semaphores
- sched.h - for POSIX 1b scheduling
- pthreadVCE.dll - built with MSVC++ compiler using C++ EH
- pthreadVCE.lib
- pthreadVC.dll - built with MSVC compiler using C setjmp/longjmp
- pthreadVC.lib
- pthreadVSE.dll - built with MSVC compiler using SEH
- pthreadVSE.lib
- pthreadGCE.dll - built with Mingw32 G++ 2.95.2-1
- pthreadGC.dll - built with Mingw32 GCC 2.95.2-1 using setjmp/longjmp
- libpthreadGCE.a - derived from pthreadGCE.dll
- libpthreadGC.a - derived from pthreadGC.dll
- gcc.dll - needed if distributing applications that use pthreadGCE.dll
-These are the only files you need in order to build POSIX threads
-applications for Win32 using either MSVC or Mingw32.
-See the FAQ file in the source tree for additional information.
-Currently, there is no documentation included in the package apart
-from the copious comments in the source code.
-For POSIX Thread API programming, several reference books are
- Programming with POSIX Threads
- David R. Butenhof
- Addison-Wesley (pub)
- Pthreads Programming
- By Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar & Jacqueline Proulx Farrell
- O'Reilly (pub)
-On the web: see the links at the bottom of the pthreads-win32 site:
-This library is based substantially on a Win32 pthreads
-implementation contributed by John Bossom <>.
-The implementation of Condition Variables uses algorithms developed
-by Alexander Terekhov and Louis Thomas.
-The implementation of POSIX mutexes has been improved by Thomas Pfaff.
-The implementation of read/write locks was contributed by
-Aurelio Medina and improved by Alexander Terekhov.
-Many others have contributed significant time and effort to solve critical
-problems in order to make the library workable, robust and reliable.
-There is also a separate CONTRIBUTORS file. This file and others are
-on the web site:
-As much as possible, the ChangeLog file acknowledges contributions to the
-code base in more detail.
-Ross Johnson
+ ----------------------------------
+ Web Site:
+ FTP Site:
+ Coordinator: Ross Johnson <>
+We are pleased to announce the availability of a new snapshot of
+Pthreads-win32, an Open Source Software implementation of the
+Threads component of the POSIX 1003.1c 1995 Standard for Microsoft's
+Win32 environment. Some functions from POSIX 1003.1b are also
+supported including semaphores. Other related functions include
+the set of read-write lock functions.
+Parts of the implementation also comply with the Open Group's
+Single Unix specification for compatibility with major Unix
+implementations and Linux.
+Pthreads-win32 is free software, distributed under the GNU Lesser
+General Public License (LGPL).
+Please see the 'Acknowledgements' section at the end of this
+announcement for the list of contributors.
+Changes since the last snapshot
+Cleanup code default style. (IMPORTANT)
+Previously, if not defined, the cleanup style was determined automatically
+from the compiler/language, and one of the following was defined accordingly:
+ __CLEANUP_CXX C++, including MSVC++, GNU G++
+ __CLEANUP_C C, including GNU GCC, not MSVC
+These defines determine the style of cleanup (see pthread.h) and,
+most importantly, the way that cancelation and thread exit (via
+pthread_exit) is performed (see the routine ptw32_throw() in private.c).
+In short, the exceptions versions of the library throw an exception
+when a thread is canceled or exits (via pthread_exit()), which is
+caught by a handler in the thread startup routine, so that the
+the correct stack unwinding occurs regardless of where the thread
+is when it's canceled or exits via pthread_exit().
+In this and future snapshots, unless the build explicitly defines (e.g.
+via a compiler option) __CLEANUP_SEH, __CLEANUP_CXX, or __CLEANUP_C, then
+the build NOW always defaults to __CLEANUP_C style cleanup. This style
+uses setjmp/longjmp in the cancelation and pthread_exit implementations,
+and therefore won't do stack unwinding even when linked to applications
+that have it (e.g. C++ apps). This is for consistency with most
+current commercial Unix POSIX threads implementations. Compaq's TRU64
+may be an exception (no pun intended) and possible future trend.
+Although it was not clearly documented before, it is still necessary to
+build your application using the same __CLEANUP_* define as was
+used for the version of the library that you link with, so that the
+correct parts of pthread.h are included. That is, the possible
+defines require the following library versions:
+ __CLEANUP_SEH pthreadVSE.dll
+ __CLEANUP_CXX pthreadVCE.dll or pthreadGCE.dll
+ __CLEANUP_C pthreadVC.dll or pthreadGC.dll
+E.g. regardless of whether your app is C or C++, if you link with
+pthreadVC.lib or libpthreadGC.a, then you must define __CLEANUP_C.
+THE POINT OF ALL THIS IS: if you have not been defining one of these
+explicitly, then the defaults as described at the top of this
+section were being used.
+THIS NOW CHANGES, as has been explained above, but to try to make this
+clearer here's an example:
+If you were building your application with MSVC++ i.e. using C++
+exceptions and not explicitly defining one of __CLEANUP_*, then
+__CLEANUP_C++ was automatically defined for you in pthread.h.
+You should have been linking with pthreadVCE.dll, which does
+stack unwinding.
+If you now build your application as you had before, pthread.h will now
+automatically set __CLEANUP_C as the default style, and you will need to
+link with pthreadVC.dll. Stack unwinding will now NOT occur when a thread
+is canceled, or the thread calls pthread_exit().
+Your application will now most likely behave differently to previous
+versions, and in non-obvious ways. Most likely is that locally
+instantiated objects may not be destroyed or cleaned up after a thread
+is canceled.
+If you want the same behaviour as before, then you must now define
+__CLEANUP_C++ explicitly using a compiler option and link with
+pthreadVCE.dll as you did before.
+Because no commercial Unix POSIX threads implementation allows you to
+choose to have stack unwinding. Therefore, providing it in pthread-win32
+as a default is dangerous. We still provide the choice but unless
+you consciously choose to do otherwise, your pthreads applications will
+now run or crash in similar ways irrespective of the threads platform
+you use. Or at least this is the hope.
+There are a few reasons:
+- because there are well respected POSIX threads people who believe
+ that POSIX threads implementations should be exceptions aware and
+ do the expected thing in that context. (There are equally respected
+ people who believe it should not be easily accessible, if it's there
+ at all, for unconditional conformity to other implementations.)
+- because pthreads-win32 is one of the few implementations that has
+ the choice, perhaps the only freely available one, and so offers
+ a laboratory to people who may want to explore the effects;
+- although the code will always be around somewhere for anyone who
+ wants it, once it's removed from the current version it will not be
+ nearly as visible to people who may have a use for it.
+Source module splitting
+In order to enable smaller image sizes to be generated
+for applications that link statically with the library,
+most routines have been separated out into individual
+source code files.
+This is being done in such a way as to be backward compatible.
+The old source files are reused to congregate the individual
+routine files into larger translation units (via a bunch of
+# includes) so that the compiler can still optimise wherever
+possible, e.g. through inlining, which can only be done
+within the same translation unit.
+It is also possible to build the entire library by compiling
+the single file named "pthread.c", which just #includes all
+the secondary congregation source files. The compiler
+may be able to use this to do more inlining of routines.
+Although the GNU compiler is able to produce libraries with
+the necessary separation (the -ffunction-segments switch),
+AFAIK, the MSVC and other compilers don't have this feature.
+Finally, since I use makefiles and command-line compilation,
+I don't know what havoc this reorganisation may wreak amongst
+IDE project file users. You should be able to continue
+using your existing project files without modification.
+New non-portable function
+pthread_num_processors_np(): Returns the number of processors
+in the system that are available to the process, as determined
+from the processor affinity mask.
+Platform dependence
+As Win95 doesn't provide one, the library now contains
+it's own InterlockedCompareExchange() routine, which is used
+whenever Windows doesn't provide it. InterlockedCompareExchange()
+is used to implement spinlocks and barriers, and also in mutexes.
+This routine relies on the CMPXCHG machine instruction which
+is not available on i386 CPUs. This library (from snapshot
+20010712 onwards) is therefore no longer supported on i386
+processor platforms.
+New routines
+For source code portability only - rwlocks cannot be process shared yet.
+ pthread_rwlockattr_init()
+ pthread_rwlockattr_destroy()
+ pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared()
+ pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared()
+As defined in the new POSIX standard, and the Single Unix Spec version 3:
+ sem_timedwait()
+ pthread_mutex_timedlock()
+pthread.h no longer includes windows.h
+[Not yet for G++]
+This was done to prevent conflicts.
+HANDLE, DWORD, and NULL are temporarily defined within pthread.h if
+they are not already.
+Bug fixes
+* Fixed potential NULL pointer dereferences in pthread_mutexattr_init,
+pthread_mutexattr_getpshared, pthread_barrierattr_init,
+pthread_barrierattr_getpshared, and pthread_condattr_getpshared.
+- Scott McCaskill <>
+* Removed potential race condition in pthread_mutex_trylock and
+- Alexander Terekhov <>
+* The behaviour of pthread_mutex_trylock in relation to
+recursive mutexes was inconsistent with commercial implementations.
+Trylock would return EBUSY if the lock was owned already by the
+calling thread regardless of mutex type. Trylock now increments the
+recursion count and returns 0 for RECURSIVE mutexes, and will
+return EDEADLK rather than EBUSY for ERRORCHECK mutexes. This is
+consistent with Solaris.
+- Thomas Pfaff <>
+* Found a fix for the library and workaround for applications for
+the known bug #2, i.e. where __CLEANUP_CXX or __CLEANUP_SEH is defined.
+See the "Known Bugs in this snapshot" section below.
+This could be made transparent to applications by replacing the macros that
+define the current C++ and SEH versions of pthread_cleanup_push/pop
+with the C version, but AFAIK cleanup handlers would not then run in the
+correct sequence with destructors and exception cleanup handlers when
+an exception occurs.
+* Cancelation once started in a thread cannot now be inadvertantly
+double canceled. That is, once a thread begins it's cancelation run,
+cancelation is disabled and a subsequent cancel request will
+return an error (ESRCH).
+Known bugs in this snapshot
+1. Under MS VC++ (only tested with version 6.0), a term_func
+ set via the standard C++ set_terminate() function is not called
+ for some reason. The code in private.c ptw32_threadStart()
+ retrieves and calls the user supplied terminate routine, which
+ works as expected under MinGW32 g++, but doesn't run under
+ MS VC++ 6.0, presumably because set_terminate() returns NULL.
+2. Cancellation problems in optimised code
+ - Milan Gardian
+ Workaround [rpj - 2 Feb 2002]
+ -----------------------------
+ The problem disappears when /Ob0 is used, i.e. /O2 /Ob0 works OK,
+ but if you want to use inlining optimisation you can be much more
+ specific about where it's switched off and on by using a pragma.
+ So the inlining optimisation is interfering with the way that cleanup
+ handlers are run. It appears to relate to auto-inlining of class methods
+ since this is the only auto inlining that is performed at /O1 optimisation
+ (functions with the "inline" qualifier are also inlined, but the problem
+ doesn't appear to involve any such functions in the library or testsuite).
+ In order to confirm the inlining culprit, the following use of pragmas
+ eliminate the problem but I don't know how to make it transparent, putting
+ it in, say, pthread.h where pthread_cleanup_push defined as a macro.
+ #pragma inline_depth(0)
+ pthread_cleanup_push(handlerFunc, (void *) &arg);
+ /* ... */
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
+ #pragma inline_depth()
+ Note the empty () value after the pop macro. This resets depth to the
+ default. Or you can specify a non-zero depth here.
+ The pragma is also needed (and now used) within the library itself wherever
+ cleanup handlers are used (condvar.c and rwlock.c).
+ Use of these pragmas allows compiler optimisations /O1 and /O2 to be
+ used for either or both the library and applications.
+ Experimenting further, I found that wrapping the actual cleanup handler
+ function with #pragma auto_inline(off|on) does NOT work.
+ MSVC6.0 doesn't appear to support the C99 standard's _Pragma directive,
+ however, later versions may. This form is embeddable inside #define
+ macros, which would be ideal because it would mean that it could be added
+ to the push/pop macro definitions in pthread.h and hidden from the
+ application programmer.
+ [/rpj]
+ Original problem description
+ ----------------------------
+ The cancellation (actually, cleanup-after-cancel) tests fail when using VC
+ (professional) optimisation switches (/O1 or /O2) in pthreads library. I
+ have not investigated which concrete optimisation technique causes this
+ problem (/Og, /Oi, /Ot, /Oy, /Ob1, /Gs, /Gf, /Gy, etc.), but here is a
+ summary of builds and corresponding failures:
+ * pthreads VSE (optimised tests): OK
+ * pthreads VCE (optimised tests): Failed "cleanup1" test (runtime)
+ * pthreads VSE (DLL in CRT, optimised tests): OK
+ * pthreads VCE (DLL in CRT, optimised tests): Failed "cleanup1" test
+ (runtime)
+ Please note that while in VSE version of the pthreads library the
+ optimisation does not really have any impact on the tests (they pass OK), in
+ VCE version addition of optimisation (/O2 in this case) causes the tests to
+ fail uniformly - either in "cleanup0" or "cleanup1" test cases.
+ Please note that all the tests above use default pthreads DLL (no
+ optimisations, linked with either static or DLL CRT, based on test type).
+ Therefore the problem lies not within the pthreads DLL but within the
+ compiled client code (the application using pthreads -> involvement of
+ "pthread.h").
+ I think the message of this section is that usage of VCE version of pthreads
+ in applications relying on cancellation/cleanup AND using optimisations for
+ creation of production code is highly unreliable for the current version of
+ the pthreads library.
+1. Due to what is believed to be a C++ compliance error in VC++,
+if your application contains catch(...) blocks in your POSIX threads
+then you will need to replace the "catch(...)" with the macro
+"PtW32Catch", eg.
+ #ifdef PtW32Catch
+ PtW32Catch {
+ ...
+ }
+ #else
+ catch(...) {
+ ...
+ }
+ #endif
+Otherwise neither pthreads cancelation nor pthread_exit() will work
+Level of standards conformance
+The following POSIX 1003.1c/1b/1j options are defined:
+The following POSIX 1003.1c options are not defined:
+The following functions are implemented:
+ ---------------------------
+ PThreads
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_attr_init
+ pthread_attr_destroy
+ pthread_attr_getdetachstate
+ pthread_attr_getstackaddr
+ pthread_attr_getstacksize
+ pthread_attr_setdetachstate
+ pthread_attr_setstackaddr
+ pthread_attr_setstacksize
+ pthread_create
+ pthread_detach
+ pthread_equal
+ pthread_exit
+ pthread_join
+ pthread_once
+ pthread_self
+ pthread_cancel
+ pthread_cleanup_pop
+ pthread_cleanup_push
+ pthread_setcancelstate
+ pthread_setcanceltype
+ pthread_testcancel
+ ---------------------------
+ Thread Specific Data
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_key_create
+ pthread_key_delete
+ pthread_setspecific
+ pthread_getspecific
+ ---------------------------
+ Mutexes
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_mutexattr_init
+ pthread_mutexattr_destroy
+ pthread_mutexattr_getpshared
+ pthread_mutexattr_setpshared
+ pthread_mutexattr_gettype
+ pthread_mutexattr_settype (types: PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT
+ pthread_mutex_init
+ pthread_mutex_destroy
+ pthread_mutex_lock
+ pthread_mutex_trylock
+ pthread_mutex_timedlock
+ pthread_mutex_unlock
+ ---------------------------
+ Condition Variables
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_condattr_init
+ pthread_condattr_destroy
+ pthread_condattr_getpshared
+ pthread_condattr_setpshared
+ pthread_cond_init
+ pthread_cond_destroy
+ pthread_cond_wait
+ pthread_cond_timedwait
+ pthread_cond_signal
+ pthread_cond_broadcast
+ ---------------------------
+ Read/Write Locks - POSIX 1j
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_rwlock_init
+ pthread_rwlock_destroy
+ pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock
+ pthread_rwlock_trywrlock
+ pthread_rwlock_rdlock
+ pthread_rwlock_rwlock
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock
+ pthread_rwlockattr_init
+ pthread_rwlockattr_destroy
+ pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared
+ pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared
+ ---------------------------
+ Spin Locks - POSIX 1j
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_spin_init
+ pthread_spin_destroy
+ pthread_spin_lock
+ pthread_spin_unlock
+ pthread_spin_trylock
+ ---------------------------
+ Barriers - POSIX 1j
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_barrier_init
+ pthread_barrier_destroy
+ pthread_barrier_wait
+ pthread_barrierattr_init
+ pthread_barrierattr_destroy
+ pthread_barrierattr_getpshared
+ pthread_barrierattr_setpshared
+ ---------------------------
+ Semaphores - POSIX 1b
+ ---------------------------
+ sem_init
+ sem_destroy
+ sem_post
+ sem_wait
+ sem_trywait
+ sem_timedwait
+ sem_open (returns an error ENOSYS)
+ sem_close (returns an error ENOSYS)
+ sem_unlink (returns an error ENOSYS)
+ sem_getvalue (returns an error ENOSYS)
+ ---------------------------
+ RealTime Scheduling
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_attr_getschedparam
+ pthread_attr_setschedparam
+ pthread_attr_getinheritsched
+ pthread_attr_setinheritsched
+ pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (only supports SCHED_OTHER)
+ pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (only supports SCHED_OTHER)
+ pthread_getschedparam
+ pthread_setschedparam
+ pthread_getconcurrency
+ pthread_setconcurrency
+ pthread_attr_getscope
+ pthread_attr_setscope (only supports PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM)
+ sched_get_priority_max (POSIX 1b)
+ sched_get_priority_min (POSIX 1b)
+ sched_rr_get_interval (POSIX 1b - returns an error ENOTSUP)
+ sched_setscheduler (POSIX 1b - only supports SCHED_OTHER)
+ sched_getscheduler (POSIX 1b - only supports SCHED_OTHER)
+ sched_yield (POSIX 1b)
+ ---------------------------
+ Signals
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_sigmask
+ ---------------------------
+ Non-portable routines (see the README.NONPORTABLE file for usage)
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_getw32threadhandle_np
+ pthread_delay_np
+ pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np
+ pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np (types: PTHREAD_MUTEX_FAST_NP,
+ pthread_num_processors_np
+ pthread_win32_process_attach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
+ pthread_win32_process_detach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
+ pthread_win32_thread_attach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
+ pthread_win32_thread_detach_np (Required when statically linking the library)
+ ---------------------------
+ Static Initializers
+ ---------------------------
+ ---------------------------
+ Thread-Safe C Runtime Library (macros)
+ ---------------------------
+ strtok_r
+ asctime_r
+ ctime_r
+ gmtime_r
+ localtime_r
+ rand_r
+The following functions are not implemented:
+ ---------------------------
+ RealTime Scheduling
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_mutex_getprioceiling
+ pthread_mutex_setprioceiling
+ pthread_mutex_attr_getprioceiling
+ pthread_mutex_attr_getprotocol
+ pthread_mutex_attr_setprioceiling
+ pthread_mutex_attr_setprotocol
+ ---------------------------
+ Fork Handlers
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_atfork
+ ---------------------------
+ Stdio
+ ---------------------------
+ flockfile
+ ftrylockfile
+ funlockfile
+ getc_unlocked
+ getchar_unlocked
+ putc_unlocked
+ putchar_unlocked
+ ---------------------------
+ Thread-Safe C Runtime Library
+ ---------------------------
+ readdir_r
+ getgrgid_r
+ getgrnam_r
+ getpwuid_r
+ getpwnam_r
+ ---------------------------
+ Signals
+ ---------------------------
+ pthread_kill
+ sigtimedwait
+ sigwait
+ sigwaitinfo
+The library includes two non-API functions for creating cancellation
+points in applications and libraries:
+ pthreadCancelableWait
+ pthreadCancelableTimedWait
+The prebuilt DLL, export libs (for both MSVC and Mingw32), and the header
+files (pthread.h, semaphore.h, sched.h) are available along with the
+complete source code.
+The source code can be found at:
+and as individual source code files at
+The pre-built DLL, export libraries and include files can be found at:
+Mailing List
+There is a mailing list for discussing pthreads on Win32. To join,
+send email to:
+Application Development Environments
+See the README file for more information.
+MSVC using SEH works. Distribute pthreadVSE.dll with your application.
+MSVC using C++ EH works. Distribute pthreadVCE.dll with your application.
+MSVC using C setjmp/longjmp works. Distribute pthreadVC.dll with your application.
+See FAQ Questions 6 and 10.
+Mingw using C++ EH works. Distribute pthreadGCE.dll with your application.
+Mingw using C setjmp/longjmp works. Distribute pthreadGC.dll with your application.
+Cygwin: (
+Developers using Cygwin will not need pthreads-win32 since it has POSIX threads
+support. Refer to its documentation for details and extent.
+UWIN is a complete Unix-like environment for Windows from AT&T. Pthreads-win32
+doesn't currently support UWIN (and vice versa), but that may change in the
+For convenience, the following pre-built files are available on the FTP site
+(see Availability above):
+ pthread.h - for POSIX 1c threads
+ semaphore.h - for POSIX 1b semaphores
+ sched.h - for POSIX 1b scheduling
+ pthreadVCE.dll - built with MSVC++ compiler using C++ EH
+ pthreadVCE.lib
+ pthreadVC.dll - built with MSVC compiler using C setjmp/longjmp
+ pthreadVC.lib
+ pthreadVSE.dll - built with MSVC compiler using SEH
+ pthreadVSE.lib
+ pthreadGCE.dll - built with Mingw32 G++ 2.95.2-1
+ pthreadGC.dll - built with Mingw32 GCC 2.95.2-1 using setjmp/longjmp
+ libpthreadGCE.a - derived from pthreadGCE.dll
+ libpthreadGC.a - derived from pthreadGC.dll
+ gcc.dll - needed if distributing applications that use pthreadGCE.dll
+These are the only files you need in order to build POSIX threads
+applications for Win32 using either MSVC or Mingw32.
+See the FAQ file in the source tree for additional information.
+Currently, there is no documentation included in the package apart
+from the copious comments in the source code.
+For POSIX Thread API programming, several reference books are
+ Programming with POSIX Threads
+ David R. Butenhof
+ Addison-Wesley (pub)
+ Pthreads Programming
+ By Bradford Nichols, Dick Buttlar & Jacqueline Proulx Farrell
+ O'Reilly (pub)
+On the web: see the links at the bottom of the pthreads-win32 site:
+This library is based substantially on a Win32 pthreads
+implementation contributed by John Bossom <>.
+The implementation of Condition Variables uses algorithms developed
+by Alexander Terekhov and Louis Thomas.
+The implementation of POSIX mutexes has been improved by Thomas Pfaff.
+The implementation of read/write locks was contributed by
+Aurelio Medina and improved by Alexander Terekhov.
+Many others have contributed significant time and effort to solve critical
+problems in order to make the library workable, robust and reliable.
+There is also a separate CONTRIBUTORS file. This file and others are
+on the web site:
+As much as possible, the ChangeLog file acknowledges contributions to the
+code base in more detail.
+Ross Johnson